After my Ebay Boo Boo, I thought I should really give the Kid Soft a whirl. After all, it’s a Rowan yarn I’d never heard of, let alone knit with. It would be educational….
After some research, I found that there’s only two publications for Kid Soft. The Kid Soft Booklet
and a “concertina card” of 4 patterns. Both are by Kim Hargreaves so I could be sure of something wearable in there. Being a bit of a “completist” I of course scoured Ebay and bought the concertina card too. š
I chose a very basic high neck jumper called Dinny. Here’s the pic in the book – not sure if you’ll be able to see it though – in true Rowan style, they have photographed a black jumper on a dark background…
So, “How’s it knitting?”
The short answer is, “Very fast!”
So far I have done the back and front, joined the right shoulder seam ready for the neck (mainly because I’d mislaid half my stitch holders!) and stared the first sleeve.
Want to see a big black blob?
That’s the back. Here’s the best closeup I can get of the knitted fabric,
It makes a very lightweight fabric that looks a little slubby and fluffy – it verges on looking like it’s been badly washed IMHO! It will, however, be very warm judging by the toasty-warm knees I had knitting it.
The toasty-warm knees could have been because of large hairy creatures sitting on my lap whilst I knit. This brings me to another potential problem when knitting plain black in a household containing a huge ginger beast that is magnetically attracted to knitting.
Usually, I’d need to be careful to keep the knitting free of cat fur but the kid soft seems strangely immune?? Barely a whisker. Anybody got a clue why? It’s a great advantage for me – I might actually be able to wear something black in the house! Normally I have to change the second I get in the front door to avoid looking like I’m in the early stages of morphing into a a cat/human hybrid.
Of course, you’re asking yourself,
“How does she know for sure that ginger cat fur doesn’t stick to Kid Soft?”
Thug takes his duties seriously as knitwear tester. Look what happened when I left the back and front on the table for 2 minutes….
I think that look is saying, “Make me a blankie in this…Please! I need some luxury….”
That is really nice,the wool is nice and looks warm.your cats love your knitting dont they?
My resident knitwear tester has long since given up the job. This may be because of my low productivity or that I just haven’t provided enough ‘luxury’, either way it’s nice to see such fab piccies. Looking forward to you next installment….
Don’t you just love it when they offer to do a test run? Thug is a cutie, and he knows it!
Interesting to read that Kid Soft seems to immune to cat hair. I love wearing black too, but am always covered in a haze of grey fur – not the look I was aiming for.
Hi Susan
The jumper looks great and I really like the yarn. I have a black dog and a white dog and so all outfits have a very noticeable and hairy sheen. That yarn looks as though it would be perfect for my household. Looking forward to seeing what else you knit in the black!!