Wrapped in Kitten Heads
Kittens and Stripes is finished! Just in time for the weather to turn horrid and for me to have the nasty 3 week long cold that everyone seems to be getting. <<Insert tiny violin here>> I have really enjoyed making this scarf! It was fun, colourful and easy enough to be able to get a […]
Thanks! I made them some time ago so relying on memory - I don't think there is an easy way…
Great Socks! I'm knitting them myself. When I stick to 3 rounds of Hexagons for the foot it becomes too…
Don't be put off by this horror story - I've had Yoke successes too. Just choose the right yarn and…
I agree Terri, I think this is the option I'm leaning towards. I'll have to start researching a different pattern…
Option 6 (seperate the colour work from the rest, hand over all the mess to a colleague that loves knitting…