Inspired Another Modern Quilt Wrap
My good friend Mel, was wowed by my Modern Quilt Wrap (Click that link for all the details and links to where you can find the pattern) This one…. From Modern Quilt Wrap So much so she wanted to make one just like it with Kidsilk Haze. Mel has learnt to knit since joining our […]
Distracted by Cat Toys
I’ve had my attention diverted by cat toys. And string. Why on earth would cat toys be of interest to me when I don’t have a cat. Not since last year when Thug, and in February, Mewsley succumbed to old age? Could it be that we have adopted new cats??!! I would like to introduce Ziggy and Kitty. From Kitty […]
Thanks! I made them some time ago so relying on memory - I don't think there is an easy way…
Great Socks! I'm knitting them myself. When I stick to 3 rounds of Hexagons for the foot it becomes too…
Don't be put off by this horror story - I've had Yoke successes too. Just choose the right yarn and…
I agree Terri, I think this is the option I'm leaning towards. I'll have to start researching a different pattern…
Option 6 (seperate the colour work from the rest, hand over all the mess to a colleague that loves knitting…