Midwinter Cushion
Rowan have been doing a Knitalong for Martin Storey’s Midwinter Blanket. (You need to sign up but the pattern, videos etc are free) This is the pattern pic of the blanket, made up of separately knitted fair isle squares in Rowan Felted Tweed… This immediately appealed to me – partly because of the potential to […]

What to Do When Travelling for 20 Hours…
I am very brown and very relaxed. I’ve just come back from Mauritius! The lovely Ben and I have had an eventful year, job wise and needed to lay on a beach and do nothing… Almost nothing…There was some knitting 😀 As the title suggests the journey was about 20 hours door to door so […]

Mother’s Day Knitterly Fun
A ball of sock yarn seemed an inadequate gift to give my Mum for Mother’s Day. Hmmm… My Mum, an expert knitter of several decades, recently rediscovered knitting socks on four needles. A skill she first learnt as a child in school in wartime England. After a celebratory “Mum’s day” roast dinner, while I was showing her how to […]

Red Eyed Owls and Tweed
This story starts when the lovely Blacker Yarns asked if I’d like a sample of their new Westcountry Tweed yarn – I said, “Yes please!” The story ends with this little guy… For those of you who don’t know Blacker Yarns, They are ethical, UK producers of 100% Pure, natural British yarns, products and patterns. […]

The Ones I Missed
I’ve just been looking at writting my Blogiversary post, summarizing the year’s knitting, and realized with horror – there are some projects I’ve never photographed or blogged! So here is a quick and dirty blog post of the ones I missed, Completed Knit Reports at the end… The Little Red Hat… A project to use up […]

And Then I Stuffed It In The Washing Machine…
My knitting mojo in waning a bit – probably an early onset attack of my usual SKS (That’s “Summer Knitting Slump”) and my blogging mojo has suddenly been even worse! But I have been knitting…and using the washing machine 😮 Fortunately, the washing machine turned and untidy, gappy, unevenly knit, coarse garment into a soft, […]

Christmas Jumpers, Wine, Bloggers and Debbie Bliss!
Save The Children think I’m a popular and “on trend” knit blogger! In fact I am, apparently, one of the Knitterati!! With flattery like that, how could I say, “No” to their invitation to spend an evening with them and Debbie Bliss at their “Mary’s Living and Giving” shop in Primrose Hill, North London? Save the […]
Distracted by Cat Toys
I’ve had my attention diverted by cat toys. And string. Why on earth would cat toys be of interest to me when I don’t have a cat. Not since last year when Thug, and in February, Mewsley succumbed to old age? Could it be that we have adopted new cats??!! I would like to introduce Ziggy and Kitty. From Kitty […]
It’s Blocky and I Blocked It!
Oh WOW!!! I’ve finished the Modern Quilt Wrap and I am beside myself with the results. It definitely one of my favorite things I’ve made in a long time. (Yep the knitting mojo is back!) It has been finished quickly, mainly because it has that “I’ll just finish this stripe before making dinner, I’ll just finish this […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…