Knitting My Plotulopi Lopapeysa
I said my “Icelandic project” was too big for the train now – wanna see?! I’m making the Afmæli Lopapeysa in the strange, unspun plotulopi yarn I talked about in my Iceland! post. It is worked in the round from the bottom up. You make the body and two sleeves then join them into the joke for […]

I’ve been to Iceland! No, not the frozen food store – the lovely country 😀 I’ve just had a “big” birthday and the lovely Ben surprised me with a trip to Reykjavik over Easter. (If anyone is rude enough to ask, the answer is “21” 😉 ) I’ve wanted to visit Iceland for a long […]

The Ones I Missed
I’ve just been looking at writting my Blogiversary post, summarizing the year’s knitting, and realized with horror – there are some projects I’ve never photographed or blogged! So here is a quick and dirty blog post of the ones I missed, Completed Knit Reports at the end… The Little Red Hat… A project to use up […]

Flossie is Done!
Reknitting the body of Flossie really didn’t take very long – and I’m glad I did it. I clearly should have made the small size – silly Susan 🙁 A quick note on yarn amounts – the pattern calls for 12 balls for medium and 10 for a small. I got the medium out of […]

Should Have Known Better
I’m very happy to tell you about my successes so I feel it’s only fair to share the disasters with you too … I should have know better than to try knitting Chunky Wool again 🙁 But the lovely red Rowan Drift (same gauge as Big Wool) at half price was too hard to resist…. […]
Worst EVER!
Three guesses how Ronnie, the Big Wool Sloppy Joe turned out… Here’s a clue… Yep, it’s bonfire time. I finished the beast last week but have been so disapointed, I couldn’t bring myself to blog it 🙁 It is huge. It’s probably too huge for my sister too. I fact – it’s too huge for […]
Big Wool, You WILL Submit To My Will…
Knitting my sister some quick and fun hats has kicked my knitting mojo back to life. It also helped that I had to be in the West Country this week for work so was able to make a flying visit to Carol on the way home – she loves the hats and takes half and […]
Bloody Big Wool!
I should know better. I don’t have much luck with projects with mega chunky yarn. So why, Oh why readers, when I was struggling to find my knitting mojo with Catrin, did I decide to splurge on 10 balls of Rowan Big wool to make this huge snuggle-fest of a jumper? It’s Ronnie from the […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…