The Wrong Kind of Wool
“Wow” said Ben, “Homebase have an offer of great big bales of wool. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Get your coat – that’s this weekend’s project!!” Sightly confused at the prospect of Homebase selling yarn, but eager to to buy bales of wool for a project, I followed Ben eagerly… Unfortunately, he had neglected to […]
Stash Relocation Project
The great house move has happened! We’re in the new house and we’re in that manic mood swinging place where one minute the house is fabulous and the next we’re despairing and wailing, “what have we done?” We bought from an old lady who clearly hadn’t been able to manage the house for some time. […]
Thanks! I made them some time ago so relying on memory - I don't think there is an easy way…
Great Socks! I'm knitting them myself. When I stick to 3 rounds of Hexagons for the foot it becomes too…
Don't be put off by this horror story - I've had Yoke successes too. Just choose the right yarn and…
I agree Terri, I think this is the option I'm leaning towards. I'll have to start researching a different pattern…
Option 6 (seperate the colour work from the rest, hand over all the mess to a colleague that loves knitting…