It Started with the Shoes
It started with a new pair of shoes. A beautiful pair of green canvas wedges, in the Hobbs sale… I had loved them from afar all summer and stalked them until sale time – 70% off 😀 Happy, Happy, Happy. The problem was, I didn’t have anything that colour in my wardrobe to wear with […]
Katia – another WIP becomes a FO
Do you remember Katia? The “Holiday knitting that didn’t make it“? Now the swine flu is completely gone and Ben and I have both recovered (thankfully) and the house move is steaming ahead (yipee) I was so ashamed of myself for having so many WIPs on the go, I’ve whizzed though and finished Katia! Katia […]
Swine Flu Aids Iris Productivity!
It was inevitable that I would get Swine Flu 🙁 The only good thing about regularly being hit with the sniffles is that I am well prepared and know how to make the best of it. My survival kit consisted of :- Ultra balm tissues Lemsip Scotch, lemons and honey – to make hot toddies […]
Thanks! I made them some time ago so relying on memory - I don't think there is an easy way…
Great Socks! I'm knitting them myself. When I stick to 3 rounds of Hexagons for the foot it becomes too…
Don't be put off by this horror story - I've had Yoke successes too. Just choose the right yarn and…
I agree Terri, I think this is the option I'm leaning towards. I'll have to start researching a different pattern…
Option 6 (seperate the colour work from the rest, hand over all the mess to a colleague that loves knitting…