I’m now officially sick of this lace pattern!

I can’t believe I started Halcyon back in April.

It’s taken me two and a half, very dull and uneventful months. To be fair, it has been delayed by my usual attack of SKSĀ  (Summer Knitting Slump) – there were a couple of weeks there I didn’t knit at all – shocking!

I’ve also been distracted because Thug hasn’t been too well. He suddenly seemed to loose a lot of weight and meow even more. I was worried sick. The good news is that he’s had every test the vet can think of – stopping short of opening him up! The vet can find nothing wrong and I’ve changed his diet to fatten him up. He seems OK now after a couple of vitamin and steroid shots but he is 18 . He’s an old man. But enjoying all the extra meaty treats and so is Mewsley šŸ˜€

Just in caseĀ  you’ve missed his appearances, here he is in a favourite picture of mine, inspecting the conservatory..

From Halcyon

On top of all this – more DIY – This time we restored a dilapidated greenhouse from badly weathered wood, green algae covered glass and doors hanging off to this, my potting Tardis!!

From Tardis

Love the view from inside looking up!

From Tardis

Enough of this – you really want to know about Halcyon don’t you? The pattern is deceptively easy and became quite boring to do. I don’t normally knit such voluminous garments so I’m not used to the sheer amount of knitting this took. Nothing at all wrong with the pattern, easy to sew together- It was just a long slog.

But was it worth it?? I think it was!

From Halcyon
From Halcyon
Completed Knit Report
Name: Halcyon
Pattern: Rowan Mag 47 by Marie Wallin
Yarn: Rowan Fine Milk Cotton
Pattern Problems: None
Pattern Modifications: Short row shoulders
Washing and Wearing: cool and loose to wear – different for me!
Knit It Again???: No – two the same would be too much to knit and to wear.
Difficulty: 4/5 Lace much easier than it looks
Rating: 4/5
Other Postings Relating To This One: It made the the KSH Junkie I am today

Full of Milky Goodness

9 Responses

  1. anne wilkie
    anne wilkie July 17, 2010 at 2:25 pm | | Reply

    Dear Susan
    Congratulations on completing the halcyon. I’m just starting out and have hit on a problem on the pdf chart of the sleeve – are there 12 stitches not accounted for on the pdf chart? If so I’m not sure what to follow – the book or the pdf? Any advice much appreciated.

  2. anne wilkie
    anne wilkie July 17, 2010 at 3:10 pm | | Reply

    Hey, I’m working on the first size. 104 sts is called for and accounted for on the teeny weeny book chart but only 91st on the pdf chart. I see what you mean regarding lace variations. Perhaps I’ve missed something in my initial excitement as I’m still on a high from finishing the birch shawl last night in kidsilk haze (smoke). Loved it and would gladly do another – now! I’m new to lace work and therefore easy to confuse at this point! Thanks for taking the time to reply. Anne

  3. josiekitten
    josiekitten July 17, 2010 at 6:22 pm | | Reply

    I love your potting tardis! What a nice place to be, especially if it’s raining outside. I think that I’d be tempted to put a comfy chair in there so I could knit! Thug looks well in the photo. Hope he continues to gain weight. Plenty of tuna and cat milk are the order of the day. I’m amazed at your patience knitting Halycon – it looks beautiful.

  4. Dawn
    Dawn July 18, 2010 at 11:41 am | | Reply

    Wow, halcyon looks lovley, the colour showes off the pattern just right as well. Dawn
    P.S I’ve just read the feature on your knitting group in The Knitter , and really enjoyed seeing the photos of all those finished projects, there are some very talented ladies in your club. Very Nice !!

  5. JulesM
    JulesM July 19, 2010 at 10:03 pm | | Reply

    Wow, it looks fabulous on you! It does look like a lot of knitting, but it was sure worth it. That”s a big project to get thru during your summer slump.
    Sorry to hear about Thug. I’m sure they checked for hyperthyroidism?? My cat just had it, and she’s an older kitty who got real skinny before we had it diagnosed. It was easily treated with radiotherapy and she was back home the next day (“hot”, but no worse off). Well, give him a pat for me :o)

  6. Ali
    Ali July 24, 2010 at 12:49 pm | | Reply

    I hope Thug is on the mend. I just lost my beloved 17 year old cat, Snowball, at the end of May and I still miss him every day. People seem to shrink as they get very old so maybe that’s what’s happening to Thug. Have you talked to the vet about feeding him kitten food? That’s usually packed with additional nutrients and higher in calories. Love the greenhouse. Don’t know how you find the time to do everything you do: full time job, gardening, house upgrades, knitting. You must never sleep, Susan!

  7. Free Tickets to Unravel! May 17, 2023 at 3:09 pm |

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