My progress with Icon is storming along although I’ve had some minor hiccups along the way – and I’m ashamed to say, the hiccups were all my fault!
So let me show you how far I’ve got then you can LOL at the stupid errors I made.
I have one beautiful, unpressed, front…photographed in true “Susan style” – which means my eyes are firmly shut! (don’t ask how many photos poor Ben has to take before he can get a half decent one of me)…
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I’ve shown you the skirt part before but here it is, hastily draped over my jeans (and a rather chunky belt)…
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And here is that lovely, lovely bodice (it still has some ribbing to be added to finish the edges but that comes later)…
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So it’s looking rather good huh? so what went wrong?
Firstly, because I was knitting and working out my rows on the train, I scribbled out the next 50 row numbers on my scrap of paper then carefully noted all the shaping up to the armhole.
Some long train journeys later…Knit, knit, knit…I’m storming along…I knit all the rows on my scrap of paper…Hmm, a bit long isn’t it?
Like the total “dufus” I am, I had whizzed straight past the point at which I should make the arm holes and Ā knit around 30 rows too much. Ā <<Insert sound of Susan smacking her head on the desk>>
I swore, ripped, then had real troubleĀ findingĀ where I had ripped back to…..
Another error!
When doing the increases in the bodice the pattern instructions say “do this increase stuff every so many rows until 93 stitches”. What’s so hard about that?
Nothing. If you realise that you have 81 stitches on your needle at the start and not the 89 as I had inexplicably thought I had!
So the long and short of it is, my progress would have been even quicker if I hadn’t been tired, knittingĀ onĀ the train, STILL fighting off this very debilitating cough and distracted by a particularly busy week at work (theĀ hurricaneĀ in New York gave us some fun and games).
So where am I now?
I am glad to say I’ve had the last week off work as leave, the cough is slowly improving and theĀ knittingĀ hasĀ benefitedĀ from some “qualityĀ time”
The back is taking shape!!
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The back is the same as theĀ frontĀ until the bodice so this isn’t going to make for exciting blogging but I’ll keep you posted of my progress and any more stupid stupid blunders, in the mean time I haveĀ some otherĀ interestingĀ blog posts toĀ writeĀ for you!!