“Bucky” the Starbucks Bear – V2.0

Do you remember the Starbucks bear? The Guilty Knitters and I made him to thank the Starbucks staff at Christmas? And the heartbreak when he disappeared ?

This was the handsome devil in the Christmas uniform…

Tracey, the manager of our Starbucks, asked us if we could make another one to replace Buck because she so missed him.

I decided that Buck had a sister called “Bucky”

Here’s her creation…

First a “bearly” formed blind and armless figure…

There’s an unsewn arm and two paws (which don’t show up well in the photo) on the left and that big brown blob is bear guts I mean stuffing.

The paws are the most fiddlesome part to make – 2 rounds of double crochet with a single thread of Rowan Kidsilk Night…

Arms and paws emerged….then a pretty face….

but once she got her girly bow in her hair she went all bashful in front of the camera!

“Don’t look! I’m naked! Go make me some clothes!”

Bucky’s brother wore the colourful Christmas uniform. Staff are currently wearing the plain Black uniform – not very exciting for a girly-girl like Bucky so I decided she could have a red apron.

The clothes are crocheted – T-shirt is Rowanspun 4 ply, the trousers are Cygnet 4 ply and the apron is Rowan 4ply soft (all from stash oddments – I’m not quite mad enough to go buy yarn for this!! πŸ˜‰

Will these do Bucky???

“Make me a coffee and I’ll try them on…..”

“Hmmm…Not bad! Take a photo! Take a photo”


I hope you like her Readers!!

Completed Knit Report  
Name: Bucky – the Starbucks Bear
Pattern: Sirdar’s Teddy Bear Parade
Yarn: Cygnet 4ply, Rowans 4ply soft, Rowanspun 4ply Kidsilk Night
Pattern Problems: None
Pattern Modifications: Based on “Daddy Bear” with Chef’s Apron – Changed colours.
Washing and Wearing: N/A – It’s a bear!!
Knit It Again???: Oh Yes!
Difficulty: Easy but fiddly
Rating: 5/5
Previous postingsrelating to this Buck the Starbucks Bear

Buck the Bear is Missing

3 Responses

  1. Mary
    Mary June 1, 2007 at 9:35 am | | Reply

    What a pretty bear! πŸ™‚ I’m sure the staff and customers will be very pleased to see her (and fingers crossed that Bucky avoids the fate of her woolly brother..)

  2. Jane
    Jane June 1, 2007 at 8:22 pm | | Reply

    Sue, Bucky ( are you really sure about her name) is spectacluar. I’m sure the staff will appreciate her, I can’t believe how dedicated you are. Puts me to shame.


    ps managed 2 pattern reapeats of my new jumper, made an error and had to frog it back to the start. Unbearable, so do you know any 4 ply cable patterns? I am a Guilty knit who knows where her strenght lies and it is not in lacy style patterns!!
    See you Sunday.

  3. Erika
    Erika June 2, 2007 at 6:06 pm | | Reply

    Love it – what a great idea!!!!


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