I the spirit of trying to finish off some of those “too tiny to even call a project” type projects that have been cluttering up my living room, I made some luxurious Fluffy Wuffy Fingerless Gloves.
In fact – I sat in the garden on one of the recent scorching hot sunny days knitting warm luxurious gloves….The neighbours already think I’m slightly mad – I just helped confirm it 🙂
The pattern is one I’ve liked for ages from Louise Harding’s “Hats Gloves Scarves” book.

I had the yarn and it kept looking at me from my “Projects In Waiting “basket by the sofa…
Here are the little beasties…
They are made on 2 straight needles then each finger sewn up before starting the next. Finally the side seam is sewn. I’d never used this method before because I didn’t think I’d like seams in the fingers. I did one glove and found it quite annoying to stop and sew each finger so I started the second one on 4 needles…it didn’t work. 😕
My tension suddenly went very loose (I think from trying to hold onto silken Kidsilk Night on slippery metal DPNs!) and I got hideous ladders at the change of the needles. Very strange as I’m normally happy with 4 needles and don’t get ladders in socks!
I gave up on the 4 needle idea after the first finger – it looked awful. Saggy, baggy and uneven. I ripped in out and started again on two needles I was so huffy with it I forgot to take a picture of the mess- Sorry readers!
These are intended for wearing with my denim jacket in the autumn. The stripes didn’t show up as well as I’d intended but I like the subtle effect. I wanted a close match but didn’t anticipated I’d get it this close! The yarn looked more different in the balls…
Did you see the cute little picot edging round the cuff??
I’m actually rather pleased with them! 🙂
Completed Knit Report | ||
Name: | Fluffy Wuffy Gloves | |
Pattern: | Frivolous Fingers from Louisa Harding’s “Hats Gloves Scarves” | |
Yarn: | Rowan Kidsilk Night (Used double) and RYC Baby Alpaca DK | |
Pattern Problems: | None! (except casting off too tight round the fingers and having to redo it looser to avoid my fingers turning black and dropping off!) | |
Pattern Modifications: | Tried on 4 needles but it didn’t work – my knitting at fault not the pattern! | |
Washing and Wearing: | They have come up quite small – my tension was 2 stitches too tight though – Perfect for for me with tiny hands so I didn’t change needles.To wear they are fluffy, warm and soft – no I don’t feel the seams! | |
Knit It Again???: | Yes | |
Difficulty: | Easy but fiddly | |
Rating: | 4/5 | |
Other postings relating to this one | None |
Very nice Susan – I like them – must say I have bought Soft Lux to do the cable scarf & gloves pattern you designed yourself earlier in the year. Haven’t started them yet (will do thescarf first I think) as I am busy doing a cricket sweater for my little grandson.
Love to read your blog.