Hello readers. It’s Thug here.
I thought it was time that you were told about the hard work my sister, Mewsley, and I put in to support our pet human’s knitting habit.
Mewsley and I have wanted to blog for some time. The humans have gone out hunting (at a hunting ground they call “supermarket”) so I’ve got my paws on the keyboard.
It’s hard work owning a knitting human!
Mewsley and I have owned Susan since we were kittens. She has knitted as long as I can remember. We adopted Ben as a stray. He kept visiting our home and eating Susan’s food. We thought he’d keep her company and he clearly needed a good home.
Apart from all the usual human owning activities (cuddling the humans when it’s cold, supervising food preparation, training them to open doors etc) a knitting human needs more attention.
I was spurred on to write this post after we didn’t really get credit for the work we put in rebuilding Susan’s confidance after the Buggering Felted Skirt incident. As you saw we both worked very hard to show that the skirt was a useful item!
“Look!” I said, “See how snuggley and snoozy it is. I love your work!!”

Humans need to be trained not to leave balls of wool laying around. Mewsley is expert at batting the wool and unwinding it. The human soon learns to put it away after having to unravel expensive yarn from chairlegs, cat paws and pot plants. Mewie is also proficient at killing wayward, waggling knitting needles…..
Then there is the work in progress. It must be tested fully for comfort before the human can wear it. I normally take on this duty…
Mewsley often gives advice on colour coordination. Here she is advising..
Mewsley’s guidance is in evidence in this Kaffe Fasset Tumbling Blocks cushion in Felted Tweed…
(She’s testing it for softness here)
Of course – I’m always available for a second opinion on “snoozability”
Sometimes it’s necessary to supervise the sewing up …it helps if the human doesn’t know you’re there so I usually hide under something …
She didn’t spot me for an hour!!
When my human ventures outside, she’s easily distracted from knitting by playing with plants. I like to nibble a little grass myself but she’s got a whole veg patch?? Doesn’t she know food comes in a packet or a tin??
When she’s distracted, guess who has to guard the knitting? This often goes on for hours so I make myself comfortable and watch the humans play…
Lastly – we occasionally get drafted in for modelling duties. I’m a busy cat. It’s hard to fit in my many and varied tasks but sometime I just have to put the needs of my human first and look beautiful for her…

It’s hard to own a knitting human but worth it. I love my humans…..
Dear Thug and Mewsley
We are 3 children who do a similar job in looking after our humans, called Mummy and Daddy. We really enjoyed your photos which we thought were really funny. Hope the humans successfully hunted down more cat treats at their supermarket.
Lots of miaouws
Ella, Rebecca and Angus
They are beautiful cats.i have not got cats,they make me sneeze.
Princess Claudia Chickenlegs wants to send you a cat-kiss Thug (and will bat Mewsley given half a chance as all is fair in love & war). She says you’re one handsome hunk. I quite agree. You’re both very photogenic.
Anyway, glad to see you & Mewsley are taking good care of your staff, lol