I’m still slogging away at the Flower Blanket!
…and I have discovered Blanket Rule No.6…
Sixth rule: Tired Sleepy Knitter + Intarsia = Tears
I tried to press on one evening, when very tired, and finish one of the flowers. Once you’re past the centre it’s relatively easy – just the column of single stitches between the petals to worry about…
How wrong can a tired person get it?
GRRRrrr !! Frog Frog Frog…
Apart from that mishap, progress has been quite good. I have completed 36 squares, that’s 4 rows of the 13 needed!!
The maths part of my brain has to tell you that that’s 30.6% complete, not including any edging – I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.
Want to see a progress shot of some squares sewn up???
To get that far I spent most of Easter sprawled on the sofa knitting. Thug particularly enjoyed “helping” – which consisted mostly of sleeping on my lap, getting in the way and using my wool as a pillow.
I suspect he was simply posing for the camera because he felt he hasn’t had enough blog-time recently!
He was working hard to stop the wool escaping here…
There were too many other cute shots to show you so I’ve put together a collage …
Aw how cute is your little thug? The blanket is looking mighty nice too. I have also experienced the disaster that is knitting flowers under the influence of no sleep. It was not a pretty site. At least you have now gained the wisdom of Rule No.6.
I hope that you realise that this blankie is definitely Thug’s?! He may allow you to share it, of course! It’s looking great!
How kind of Thug to help. No thought for himself. Entirely unselfish. How typical of a cat
Blanket looks great after all your efforts and frustration! I’m sure Thug will like it…
Your blanket is awesome and the cat such a sweety.
Keep going.
Your blanket’s looking fantastic!