I’ve fallen off the wagon in a big way – The lure of Rowan’s Kidsilk Haze was too much for me to resist.
My long struggle with Cracksilk Haze addiction has been well documented on this blog:
- KSH Shame – Where I found I had nearly all the yarn for the Earthstripe wrap in stash.
- Cracksilk Haze – I Can Stop Any Time I want – Where I discovered I had 130 balls of the stuff (no, that number is not a typo…)
- It Made Me the Kidsilk Junkie I an Today – Where I showed you the shawl that started me on the slippery slope to full on addiction.
- Taking Classes – Cracksilk Haze – Where a bunch of Guilty Knitters attended a Rowan Kidsilk Haze course to similarly afflict my knitterly buddies.
And my last documented “slip”
- Just One Little Kidsilk Fix Won’t Hurt – Where an unreleased colour called to me.
That last post was way back in October 2010 – I had been “clean” since then and quietly working my way down to a mere 117 balls…
Then this happened while innocently accompanying Ben on a shopping trip to Hobbycraft….

Oh God! The temptation! Half Price!!
A shelf full of half price KSH in great colours – It was too much for me 😯
I came home with this…
Candy Girl
And this… ***Shameface***
Oh Dear.. and these….
6 Balls of pink, 6 balls of white and 3 of the grey.
Here’s how they look together… irresistibly delicious – Slurp! 🙄
Bad Susan!
I am hopeless. My Kidsilk Embarrassment is now back up to a massive 132 balls – I’m worse than ever 🙁
If you don’t believe I can own that much – the curse of Ravelry is that it’s there for all to see…
Do you know what makes this even worse? What was my new year’s resolution this year?
“Don’t buy any yarn to stash, just stuff you are going to immediately knit”
Well, I lasted til May – that’s good isn’t it?
Ha!! I spotted your slip up on Ravelry and wondered if you were going to ‘fess up here!! Well it was a bargain too good to turn down wasn’t it? I’m off to London next weekend and might well slip up at Loop, so it would be a case of pot and kettle if I said anything!!
..if you want to stick to your new year’s resolution…come to Switzerland! The price for 1 ball of KSH costs 14£. I have to order all my KSH from english online stores otherwise I would be a poor woman because I knit very often with KSH. I had bought MUCH MUCH more…
I too fell for the half price KSH…… 9 balls added to the stash 😮 it would have been more had I not already had 7 balls of Candy Girl stashed! I’m supposed to be being good! *sigh*
Well, from another point of view, think how much money you have saved n=by already having the yarn in stash. The price is sure to have gone up! Ros
Till May? How did you manage that, that is very good indeed :). Having just recently been seduced by the glory of kidsilk haze myself, previously I was inexplicably immune to it’s wispy charms, I have to ask – WHICH HOBBYCRAFT AND DID YOU LEAVE ANY FOR ME???
Orpington, Neugets Center on Sevenoaks Way and Yes – there was loads left!!!
(I love enabling a similar affliction in others 🙂 )
Thank you – will be visiting there today – thank you xx
Half price KSH? Ohhhhh, wish I lived closer!
Spotting this entry I dashed off to my local Hobbycraft on Wednesday. They had lots of half price KSH and I bought 5 balls of black and one ball each of three other colours intending to think about what to make and to go back for more. Spent evening looking at projects on Ravelry and went back next afternoon – to find every ball gone. Oh noooooo!
At risk of being an enabler – the moral of the story is – half price KSH? Don’t know what you’ll do with it? Buy first, plan later!
They also had half price Cocoon in three lovely shades of grey and a soft blue. I didn’t buy because I prefer finer yarns but might be worth checking out if you are near a Hobbycraft.