I would like to introduce the newest member of our family. His name is Purcey….because he Purrs!
Hello Internet, I’m Purcey!
We’ve had him since last Saturday but first visited and “chose” him 6 weeks ago – it’s been agony keeping him secret (just in case anything went wrong). Dad was a Ragdoll and Mum was a Ragdoll/Maine Coon cross so hopefully he will be big and fluffy and soppy!
This was Purcey at 3 weeks old…

I’m so tiny!
He is as adorable as he looks and Ben and I are besotted – Ben especially as he’s never had a kitten of his own before 🙂
No Mr Bond, I expect you to die! (said Ben, doing his best Bond villan impression)
The girls are not too happy with Purcey – Ziggy (little Miss Confidant) has done a lot of hissing and growling and is now ignoring him and coming around to the fact he’s here. Kitty (Miss”I’m scared of my own tail”) is a worry. She has gone from being frightened of being outside to barely coming in and staying out all night – it might be exacerbated because of the heatwave but she’s terrified of Purcey and runs off as soon as she see’s him 🙁
She’s still coming back for food and cuddles so all body parts are crossed that she’ll get over it.
All my “cat friends” say the girls will sulk but come round – I’m hoping that eventually they will mother him – long way from that right now.
Purcey has a lot to live up to, following Thug on my blog but he has already proven himself to be a photogenic little poser 😀
Just look at this ridiculously cute pose…

Purcey – auditioning for a chocolate box lid.
Or this arty pose with a feather..

So fluffy…
I really do still miss Thug and Mewsley, even with Kitty and Ziggy doing their best to cuddle me. Purcey is a ginger tom-cat to remember Thug and named Purcey (because he purrs) in honor of Mewsley (who said “Mew”) 🙂
Purcey just encountered Kidsilk Haze – buried his face in the center of the ball and purred – that’s my boy 😀
Unfortunately, waggling knitting needle are irresistible to him so my knitting may be curtailed over the next couple of weeks 😳
He’s worn out now and having a little sleep – more from Purcey very soon 🙂

Internet stardom is hard work! How did granddad Thug do it?
Oh Susan, he is just adorable. Did he have any brothers that still need homes? I want one. I hope you will all be happy together. Xx
Purcey is beautiful. It took my cat , Tilly, a good month to accept a new puppy in the house. She was horrible to the pup, moved out for a while but is back all friendly and happy. Good luck knitting with a kitten hanging off your needles though :). Tilly is 7 months old and still loves to knit.
I adore Purcey. There is just something special about ginger boys isn’t there? He looks so cute and I can’t wait for more pictures.
Congratulations!! I hope the girls come to love Purcey and look on him as an annoying little brother they can boss around!! He is going to be a star on your blog, I just know it!!
He is absolutely gorgeous!!
We have a ginger cat too, called, originally,Ginger and he is the soppiest and purriest cat ever. I don’t think I’ve ever met a ginger cat that wasn’t friendly.
Regarding dealing with the difficulties of the older cats have you got a Feliway plug-in dispenser? Our vet recommended it to calm Ginger when our two younger cats were stressing him and causing him to over-groom. It seemed to work and he was soon back to his usual chilled self and his balding patches grew back. It works on pheromones apparently.
Congratulations! He’s so cute, and Ben looks like my husband when he’s got hold of one of the cats. When we get new cats Emily growls for weeks and weeks and makes herself very upset, but eventually (months, sometimes) she comes to terms and tries to cuddle them, which of course never goes down too well after all that!
Looking forward to seeeing more of Purcey and the girls along with your knitting adventures x
How cute is he!!!! Absolutely adorable. I do hope the girls soon come round to accepting him. He’s super cute!!! Ros
Oh, he is super squishable, hope the girls calm down soon!
Awwwwww! He’s so adorable!!! I hope he becomes as fluffy as Sabrina. 🙂
As for the kitties getting used to Purcey, it’ll happen eventually. It will start as tolerating, but then hopefully become something more. It took Oki about a month to be okay with Midget, and it took a few months for the cats to be okay with our husky, Lakota. So many fun names in our house!
He’s just too cute ^..^ Love the feather pose 🙂
Love him we’re glad the cage was useful
Hi Susan! I’m officially your new internet stalker : )
I adore your new kitten – he reminds me of my first ever kitten, also a ginger, and sadly no longer with us. We currently have a 19yr old black “kitten” and a silver tabby with six claws on each paw both rescues. I can’t imagine a house without at least one cat!