I’m finding it hard to give up on old and dated handknits. There should be a handknit garment retirement home where they are cooed over, petted, paid compliments, and treated like venerated elders.
I guess I’m feeling a little sensitive about retiring the old and past it as I took early retirement in April. (That’s one of the reasons I now have time to blog again!!)
This week, in a wardrobe “work stuff” clearing frenzy, I found Heligan.

I loved making and wearing her back in 2012/2013. There were several blogposts detailing the “fun and games” I had making her and all the garment details
Enjoy ancient knitterly progress and chortle – especially at my haircut! …
Tension Hell-Again with Heligan
My style has changed and my lifestyle has changed too. I’ve not even thought about wearing her for years.
The usual recipients of my cast off handknits have politely turned her down so what now? Off to the charity shop where she might not get the respect she deserves? I’m finding it hard to let go. What do you guys do ? Keep your handknits forever and use them as loft insulation?
Unless one of you guys want her I might try selling her on a second hand site – if not I’ll have to be brave, wipe away my tears on her crochet edging, and say goodbye.
Or maybe I should ring my old boss and ask for my job back so I can wear all the lovely clothes and shoes I suddenly don’t need anymore?
…Maybe not!
I can see why you are reluctant to part with her. She is beautiful.
I have that about some
Of the ones my grandma made for me. They are old shabby and past 30 nobody but me will ever love them, but if I throw them my grandma disappears a little.