Knitting brings out the criminal mastermind in me. My global network of knitting accomplices, assisted in covertly importing “the good stuff” for my next project. Was it Cracksilk Haze? (Rowan Kidsilk Haze to the unaddicted – one ball is never enough to satisfy!) Did it involve Drug Dealer Scales? No, this is Canadian branch of my cartel of yarn smugglers….
The smuggled yarn was 7 skeins of Lichen and Lace, Rustic Heather Sport .
This is what’s in my stash of this yarn AFTER I have removed enough for the new project!!

I had fallen in love with the yarn after buying a sweater’s worth at Loop, London. (Great knitting store – visit if you are in Islington, London) The yarn was fabulous but I had real problems with the sweater – Mostly my fault – I’ll tell you about that another day, another blog post….
It’s a fairly coarse and definitely “rustic” but I don’t find it harsh or scratchy. Perfect for fairisle. Some of my more delicate knitting friends describe it as “Sheepy” 😀
The less colourful explanation of events is, a Canadian friend of one of my knitting group was flying over to visit with an empty suitcase, intending to hit the shops and fill it on her trip. I had fallen in love the Rustic Heather which was considerably cheaper in Canada (exchange rates, local yarn etc). She kindly let me have it delivered to her and bought it over in her empty case for me. Thank you, Margaret! (Full names withheld to protect my agents from the Interpol!!)
Members of the Guilty Knitters have family in the USA, Canada and other far reaches and regularly travel to visit. Knitting shops and shows are visited, mysterious parcels arrive and exotic yarns quietly appear in UK stashes. I even got my hands dirty and “smuggled” three sweater’s worth of Icelandic yarn into the country myself!
The yarn is to make the Lunenberg Pullover by Amy Cristoffers – this beauty

As I already had 2 of the 5 given colours so I’ve gone with this same colourway – and because I think it’s beautiful 😍
I cast on 10 days ago and have just finished the colourwork on the yoke – as you may have guessed, I can’t put this down!

It’s beautiful. What a treasure. We used to smuggle wine/liquors when returning from Europe. Yarn seems much safer.
What a beauty, I love it. As someone who also indulges in a little light trafficking , there is no judgement here. My leanings are toward yarn occasionally, but mostly books, jigsaws ( I don’t do them but have somehow become a mule), and of course medications. No details in order to protect the guilty. Really enjoy your blog Susan. x