It occurred to me that in my last post I was talking about quite small and precise quantities of yarn – 26g of a 50g skein for example. My kitchen scales are not quite that accurate so I bought myself this fabulous little gadget from amazon.

It has loads of functions and measure grams (down to 0.01g(!)) and oz and “Tare Weight”. Tare weight is when you put a container on the scare, zero the scale then add the item to be weighed. Amazingly useful in my kitchen scales and I have used it to weigh larger amounts of yarn of garments that need to be placed in a container to stop them spilling over.
Here’s an action shot so you can see how tiny they are – reading glasses for scale …
The lovely Ben took one look at these tiny, accurate scales and proclaimed I was using “Drug Dealer Scales”! 😯
I should never have let him binge watch Breaking Bad…
I’m now going off into a fantasy where I’m dealing CrackSilk Haze and calling myself “Zimmerman” rather than Heisenberg and setting up my own yarn cartel with the Guilty Knitters!
Should the blog be “Damn, Knit and Sniff It ‘ ? x
I too am in possession of ‘drug dealer’ scales! They are essential!