This is a tale of woe. And a new love, disaster, resurrection and final acceptance of failure.
…my fun with Gardengate by Jenifer Steingass…twice…
I had mentioned in International Yarn Smuggling, I had fallen in love with Lichen and Lace, Rustic Heather Sport. It was difficult to get gauge for Gardengate as the Rustic Heather is sport weight and the sweater is in fingering (4ply) – but no problem – lots of people had knit this in sport weight. I swatched and got gauge.
I had a naggling doubt because the yoke was supposed to be knit on 0.25mm size larger needle than the body. I have to size up quite a bit as I’m a tight knitter and , if the designer knits continental style, it affects the gauge. I was using 4.5mm for the body and so had to go up to 5mm for the colourwork yoke. They don’t make 4,75mm needles – I looked!! ***Remember this naggling doubt for later***
…Happy knitting ensued….😊
….Joy at colours chosen for the yoke…😁
……New love for the Lichen and Lace, Rustic Heather 😍

And then I tried it on
I had made a terrible error.
I had added the 6″ ease to the “size I usually wear” not my actual measurements. I had knit size “C” …I needed size “A”. It was bloody enormous!

Two sizes too big. ☹️😖😧😪 <<I went through all of these emotions
It was unwearable.
The yarn was too lovely to throw away (and too expensive!) so I did the only sensible thing.
I ripped it all out.
I put the yarn in skeins, then hung the skeins from a “Socktopus” (laundry sock drier with eight legs!) with heavy coat hangers as weights and steamed it straight with my steam iron.

Then I knit the whole darned thing again in size “A”

It kinda looks OK…Right up until I move!
The yoke is too big for the body. It bunches and rides up above the chest within seconds. See all that excess fabric above my bust? This is not an attractive look…

I asked Kitty her opinion. I don’t think she liked the finished garment either!

Remember that nagging doubt I had about doing the yoke on a much bigger needle? I am such an idiot.
Having done quite a lot of fairisle, I know I knit pretty much the same tension as my stocking stitch – I didn’t need to size up, and certainly not by 0.5mm.
I can’t wear it. It’s a failure. The question now is what to do now?
Option 1 Rinse & repeat | Rip it all out and reknit without the bigger needles for the yoke | Can I face a third time? Would it fit better? Do I still have the same enthusiasm for it? |
Option 2 Frankenstein | Surgically remove the body and sleeves, reknit the yoke and graft the sleeves back on. | Might be a lot of work for nothing if I can’t do the grafts well and I end up with a deformed monstrosity |
Option 3 Metamorphosis | Rip it and knit something else | I love the yarn and would like something this colour. |
Option 4 Denial | Put it back in the cupboard and wait for the magical knitting pixies to fix it while I sleep | I suspect this won’t work |
Option 5 Nuclear | Throw it in the bin (or charity shop) and move on. | But I love the yarn… |
Which one do you think, readers? Do you have any other Options?
Oh my goodness!! I never would have guessed that the yoke would do that! I haven’t knit any colorwork yokes and now I’m scared to do so. I can’t imagine knitting the whole sweater twice and it still not fitting properly. It is beautiful. I’d suggest reknitting it a third time but maybe have to finish a different project or two (or four) before going back and knitting it again.
Don’t be put off by this horror story – I’ve had Yoke successes too. Just choose the right yarn and don’t knit the wrong size first!!
Frog and knit another pattern with the correct tension…or rip out the body and knit it a size up so it matches the size of the yoke, no, that yoke looks too big for you…but keep the wool whatever you do – get someone else to frog it this time? I feel your pain, had a similar issue recently – still in the naughty corner!
I agree Terri, I think this is the option I’m leaning towards. I’ll have to start researching a different pattern now – Fun! Fun!
Option 6 (seperate the colour work from the rest, hand over all the mess to a colleague that loves knitting colour work to do the re-knitting) has worked for me – and yes, that was after two attempts from my side. First was wonky, second was … well yours fit better than that one as it was 30 cm too wide and 10 cm too tall.