Swine Flu Aids Iris Productivity!
It was inevitable that I would get Swine Flu The only good thing about regularly being hit with the sniffles is that I am well prepared and know how to make the best of it. My survival kit consisted of :- Ultra balm tissues Lemsip Scotch, lemons and honey – to make hot toddies […]
Holiday knitting that didn’t make it
I confess. Iris wasn’t the first project I bought to take on holiday with me. I rushed from the travel agent my LYS and snuffled up this cutie, fully intending to save it for the holiday… It’s Katia from the Rowan Lenpur collection. The Lenpur yarn is lovely – soft and very drapey – although […]
So Fed Up, I Went to Mexico….
I’ve been busy. I’ve been stressed with work. I’ve been trying to sell and buy a new home. I’ve not had any time off work since Christmas because I thought I’d be moving. I was coping with all this. My house purchase/sale falling apart for the second time and putting right back at square […]
The Carol Cushion
OK. I admit it….my resolve has failed me and I got bored with the flower blanket. It has been put away, pending winter. I’m a bad, naughty knitter and a bad, delinquent blogger It’s my sister’s fault really….she went and had a birthday right when I was struggling to apply myself – she distracted […]
And The Flower Blanket Goes On…
You must all be wondering how the Flower Blanket is going? The truth is, not as quickly as I would have liked! I have completed and sewn up a mighty 6 strips now… It’s a bit crumpled because it’s getting so big it has to be folded up and put away when I’m not working […]
The Culling of the Wardrobe…
My wardrobes are overflowing – which is very bad as I remodelled to bedroom two years ago and made more wardrobe space! I’ve been very disciplined lately and taken great bags full of “stuff” to the charity shop. Now the hard bit…I need to cull the shelf where my hand knits live. I found three […]
Train Knitting and Nutters
The Knit’n’Commute blankie production line has been going well but I’ve had my first nutter objecting to “train knitting” this week! I get on the mainline train and get my knitting out. Within three stitches the woman next to me pulls herself up to her sour, scrub faced, puffed up height of self importance and […]
Interrupted by a Bear
It’s been busy, busy, busy here! House buying fun – I now have a buyer for my flat … Day trips all over England with my 4 clients to visit suppliers (knitting on the train rides)… Attempting to get more Flower Blanket knitted… And the sudden and urgent need for a small knitted bear! […]
I Need More Knitting Time
I’d love to be able to post a picture of a massive chunk of completed blanket but the sad truth is – I’ve only just finished knitting the squares for the 5th strip…barely one strip knitted in a week and still the pressing and sewing up to do! At this rate this blanket will take […]
Not Enough Yarn!
I had a sneaky feeling when I started The Flower Blanket that 30 balls of yarn wasn’t going to be enough… I was right One column of nine squares uses pretty much 3 balls, one of each colour. Just scraps left over. I want 13 columns and an edging (which I guessing would be […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous

Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…