
Swamp Donkey and Cherish

Why haven’t I posted for so long? Because I have been laying under a duvet on my sofa being a flu ridden Swamp Donkey (American slang for a moose that lives in the swamps or colloquial slang for a deeply unattractive woman) I’m not pretty when I have the flu….I look kinda like this… In […]

Blankie – Final resting place!

Just a quickie of a post ! Remember my denim Blankie??? We managed to get the beast hung in it’s intended position as a wall hanging at the head of the bed. We had a bit of a wrestle to get Thug to let it go..He does so love to sleep on my knitting! Mewsley […]

Ombre – Zigged and Zagged

Did I finish Ombre for Christmas?? I’m sorry to confess… No. I got overwhelmed by the usual baking, turkey stuffing, shopping, eating, entertaining “fest” that is Christmas. I decided I was putting myself under WAY too much pressure. I try very hard to keep knitting as my pleasure and indulgence. Forcing myself to knit to […]

I’ve got Fat-Finger!

In case you’re wondering what’s happened to my Sanquhar gloves – I’ve had to put them down for a little while. Firstly, the tiny weeny 1.5mm needles were giving me blisters on my left index finger where I picked up the left hand yarn and scrapped the tip of the needle down my finger tip […]

Zigs, Zags and Accountancy

Now the blog is fixed (fingers crossed)….back to blogging about the important stuff….Knitting! So….what do you think I did with the money I got back for the returned Cocoon yarn from the abandoned Iceland? Save it? Spend it on presents for Christmas? Pah! 😯 Like heck! It went straight back on yarn!! In knitting accountancy […]

Normal Service has Been Resumed…

Sorry if you’ve had trouble getting to my blog this week 🙄 We’ve had a problem with the server, then with the blog software. The good news is … I’m back on the air!! 😀 I’m off to write you a blog post now…..

Accidental Hat…

I don’t usually give up on a project. I’ll take my time choosing then bludgeon my way through till it’s done. Intarsia, Fair Isle and lace have all been conquered at the pointy tips of my needles. This time was different though. I love the new Rowan yarn, Cocoon and have been contemplating a project. […]

Insane Sanquhar Gloves

I’d spent a whole day at Ally Pally, enjoyed myself, bought some pretty things but hadn’t seen that one “to die for” project to make my heart race. In fact, I think I’d gone Wool-blind from seeing too much lovely yarn! Then I spotted a Japanese lady sitting at her stall doing the most incredible […]

Eveleen – She’s beautiful!!

****Warning **** ****This post includes a “horror” picture**** 😉 Do you remember Eveleen? She was this little beauty from Rowan 40… I had struggled and mastered the lace, knit the dinky little sleeves and done half of the evil, evil intarsia pattern when I, uncharacteristically, abandoned Eveleen in favour of my Blankie. OK – being […]

Sorry Judie – I finished it!

Judie has been distracted by holiday knitting so I was given permission to continue with my Judie jacket. She knows how I hate a WIP hanging around…. I sat down for two evenings. Woosh! It’s done! 😀 It really is a quick, fun knit. My only real problem was finding some yummy buttons. I hunted […]