The Unblogged Cowl
An unblogged project made it’s way into my 8th Blogiversary post – shocking! High time I told you all about it don’t you think? The cowl in question is “The Purl Soho Stitch Block Cowl” – a beautiful cowl using 3 different slip stitch patterns and written to use Purl Soho’s own Worsted Twist yarn. […]

8th Blogiversary
8 years of blogging!!! I am definitely starting to struggle 🙁 Thank you if you are managing to put up with my infrequent blog posts. It has been a tough year – loosing Purcey in the summer hit us so hard. Nothing has been right since. My knitting seems to have been up and down too. Gaping necks […]

7th Blogiversary
7 years of blogging my knitting adventures – that’s quite a long time. There have been times I’ve thought about stopping blogging but my lovely readers keep me coming back for just one more post – Thank you all for visiting 😀 The big non-knitting events of the year were my work trip to New […]

6th Blogiversay
Wow – 6 years of blogging – I must be mad, or I just don’t know how to stop 😉 Or it has been rather rewarding and you lovely readers have kept me going – thanks for keeping on visiting 😀 So as is my Blogiversary tradition, I’ll give you my summary of 2012… …And […]
4th Blogiversary
Today is this blog’s 4th blogiversary! When I do an annual review of my knitting and blogging achievements, I’m astonished that I’ve kept it up this long. It would never have kept going if you lovely readers hadn’t kept on commenting and encouraging me – Thank you! 😀 I looked back to see what I […]
2nd Blogiversary
Woot! W00t! 😀 My Blog is 2 years old today. I can’t believe that I have kept this going for so long. It has been a real pleasure, mainly because of all you readers dropping by and spurring me on! Thank you Readers!! I hope I’ve brightened your day too. I’ve just had a look […]
W00t to me! I’ve kept up this blogging thing for one year today! Just a quickie post to summarise the year and say , “Thank you readers!” for for dropping by, leaving comments and generally encouraging me. I hope I’ve helped you a little along the way- either with your knitting or by giving you […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…