Completed Knit Report

Accidental Hat…

I don’t usually give up on a project. I’ll take my time choosing then bludgeon my way through till it’s done. Intarsia, Fair Isle and lace have all been conquered at the pointy tips of my needles. This time was different though. I love the new Rowan yarn, Cocoon and have been contemplating a project. […]

Eveleen – She’s beautiful!!

****Warning **** ****This post includes a “horror” picture**** 😉 Do you remember Eveleen? She was this little beauty from Rowan 40… I had struggled and mastered the lace, knit the dinky little sleeves and done half of the evil, evil intarsia pattern when I, uncharacteristically, abandoned Eveleen in favour of my Blankie. OK – being […]

Sorry Judie – I finished it!

Judie has been distracted by holiday knitting so I was given permission to continue with my Judie jacket. She knows how I hate a WIP hanging around…. I sat down for two evenings. Woosh! It’s done! 😀 It really is a quick, fun knit. My only real problem was finding some yummy buttons. I hunted […]

Blankie – Finished and Boiled!

Finally…. After two months of finger hurting perseverance, the Blankie is finished! The edging took an age but I found a way of making it a little easier. The edging, worked on a big circular needle, one side at a time, calls for 3 rows of Knit, then 3 rows of stocking stitch (Knit, Purl, […]

My Daisy Scarf Has Been Ravelryified….

If you read any number of knitting blogs, you will have already heard of Ravelry. I was luck enough to hear about Ravelry quite early on in it’s quest for Beta testers and got my invite in July. If you want to look me up, my username is the fabulously imaginative “susancrowe”…. For those of […]

When Felting Turns Bad….

My knitting news this week isn’t the stuff that will make an enthralling blog post…. I haven’t touched Eveleen but I’ve made lots more blankie squares (I’ve now done 30 out of 81 required!) There. That was dull huh? Don’t change channel yet readers! I think it’s time to share with you the reason I […]

Orford slips off the glass needles

I haven’t posted for a week. Bad Susan. Remember in my last post about Orford I said I’d need new wardrobes If I kept knitting so fast????? Well, I think Ben must be reading my blog – this week, at his suggestion, we have been redecorating the bedroom and researching new wardrobes!! I had dreams […]

Nicole is done – How quick???

Wow – even for me, Nicole has been a quick knit! Despite having with the beady problem to work out. The fit has come a up little big, compared to the Rowan picture ,but I don’t reckon it looks too bad. I think I simply made it a size too large! I’ve been going to […]

Fabby Flu-Flo

Flu-Flo is finished!! That’s what my friend Uknitty decided to call it as Fluorescent Florence was too much of a mouthful for her. Ben also has unkindly been referring to it as “Agent Orange”….I shall have my revenge on him by knitting him some agent orange socks with the leftovers 😈 (Not really) So, enough […]

Yellow Lavender

Do you remember that I said in Sunny, Yellow and Happy that I wanted a straight forward rewarding project to cheer me up? Well, I really got exactly that with this project! 😀 Here’s the finished article I love it. It was quick, easy and it fits me! The only things that made me stop […]