It’s hard work owning a knitting human…
Hello readers. It’s Thug here.I thought it was time that you were told about the hard work my sister, Mewsley, and I put in to support our pet human’s knitting habit. Mewsley and I have wanted to blog for some time. The humans have gone out hunting (at a hunting ground they call “supermarket”) so […]
When Felting Turns Bad….
My knitting news this week isn’t the stuff that will make an enthralling blog post…. I haven’t touched Eveleen but I’ve made lots more blankie squares (I’ve now done 30 out of 81 required!) There. That was dull huh? Don’t change channel yet readers! I think it’s time to share with you the reason I […]
Denim Blankie Dilemas…
Just in case you’re wondering why I have started speaking like a four year old and calling this project my “Denim Blankie” …………blame Mel Brooks’ The Producers… “I need my blue blankie!” 😀 I thought I’d share some of my thought processes behind this project with you. When this way too long post gets dull […]
Eveleen’s progress and some “Sickie Girl” knitting…
Firstly, Thank you all for your helpful suggestions and support with Eveleen – I’ve mostly abandoned the bobbins and used long strands – definitely much easier when there’s this much mayhem. I’ve also stopped being so “strict” and started carrying some of the colours. It’s still taking major concentration though. Unfortunately, in the last week, […]
Eveleen Speeds Up
I chose Eveleen to slow me down a bit….. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!!) I’m really enjoying the lace pattern and have got quite quick at it! I’ve now done enough repeats so I can look at the pattern at the beginning of a RS row then memorize it all the way to the end of […]
Click, Snip, Swear, Tug…
So, continuing the story of Click… Click has been through the washing machine with a couple of towels at 60 degrees -the pattern says 50 but whose machine has 50 degrees? Mine only has 40 or 60….. When it came out, my fears about curling were founded. I had also rather overdone the the felting.. […]
So what’s the other project? After having a little OCD session and organising my needles meticulously in my nice new shiny Namaste needle bag I realised that the needles for current projects just kicked around in the bottom of my knitting bag – at best they got wrapped in this spare piece of fabric! I […]
Oh so slow, Eveleen
OK… I’ve teased you long enough …… I’ll tell you about my next project…… In fact I have two projects started!! 😯 Normally I like to keep just one WIP on the go as you know, but this next project is what I promised when I signed off my last post about Orford– really hard […]
Orford slips off the glass needles
I haven’t posted for a week. Bad Susan. Remember in my last post about Orford I said I’d need new wardrobes If I kept knitting so fast????? Well, I think Ben must be reading my blog – this week, at his suggestion, we have been redecorating the bedroom and researching new wardrobes!! I had dreams […]
Ohhh! New Needles!!
On my knitterly shopping spree, when I bought my lovely Namaste needle binder, I suffered a problem well know to knitters. Another item just jumped into my basket! I didn’t put them there! Honest! 😮 I just had to have these… Also from Namaste, glass knitting needles… “Won’t they break??”, I thought that – they […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…