The Blanket Rules

I realised that I have created a set of strict rules for myself when I’m working on the Flower Blanket. The Blankie-Police are not going to come and get me if I break them but they do make life easier, or maybe more achievable, if I follow them. Your rules and ways of thinking are […]

Boring Commuting Socks

With a blog post title like that I’m amazed you’d want to read this!! I finished yet another plain of boring plain socks on my daily commute this week… Here they are…. Thrilling huh? Even Thug wasn’t too impressed. The yarn was actually rather fun – Kaffe Fasset Regia Design Line – the colour changes […]

Knit Blogger’s Block

I’ve been sitting at my PC, staring at a blank blogpost for about 15 minutes. I think I may be suffering from “Knit Blogger’s Block”. That’s very like Writer’s Block…but knitterly…. Maybe it’s some kind of cross contamination between writing and blocking my knitting??? Oh dear, I just had a vision of myself pondering the […]

Annoyed Angels and Phoenixes

I’m sure I’ve mentioned the Angelyarns knitting forum on my blog before. I have spent a lot of time posting there and made some good friends.  It has been a valuable resource for me – friendly, funny and full of knowledgeable people who were happy to help. The bad news is that this forum has […]