Fabulous Stashbuster Blanket
I have been forced out of my blogging lethargy to show you a fabulous sock yarn blanket I have just finished 🙂 It’s made entirely from the left over bits and bobs I had in stash from pairs of socks, a couple of 4 ply shawls and some soft toy creations (and I still have […]

Kitty loves Tartan
One less WIP! I’ve finished the Tartan Blanket 😀 This has turned out beautifully – I’m very happy. Here’s the whole thing, complete with edging… I have been slogging away and perhaps overdone it as my hands now ache and my wrist was starting to twinge – it is quite hefty crocheting 2 strands of DK. […]

That was a long Blog-Break! How about a Blanket?
SKS (Summer Knitting Slump) and the closely related illness SBS (Summer Blogging Slump) have really gotten hold of me this year! Sorry if I worried anyone – there’s been nothing wrong except upheaval of me changing job and the lovely Ben changing job twice. A lot of new routines and getting used to new stuff. […]

A Persian Adventure
My current “Icelandic project” has now got too big for carrying on the train for a commuting project (more of that later!). What to do?….. …Find something in my obese stash that’d be Okish? ……Stare blankly out of the train window and waste good knitting time? ………Rush out and buy a huge, new and exciting project […]
I Need More Knitting Time
I’d love to be able to post a picture of a massive chunk of completed blanket but the sad truth is – I’ve only just finished knitting the squares for the 5th strip…barely one strip knitted in a week and still the pressing and sewing up to do! At this rate this blanket will take […]
Not Enough Yarn!
I had a sneaky feeling when I started The Flower Blanket that 30 balls of yarn wasn’t going to be enough… I was right 😥 One column of nine squares uses pretty much 3 balls, one of each colour. Just scraps left over. I want 13 columns and an edging (which I guessing would be […]
Cat Subdues Yarn and a Dumb Blunder
I’m still slogging away at the Flower Blanket! …and I have discovered Blanket Rule No.6… Sixth rule: Tired Sleepy Knitter + Intarsia = Tears I tried to press on one evening, when very tired, and finish one of the flowers. Once you’re past the centre it’s relatively easy – just the column of single stitches […]
Flower Blanket – Taking Shape…
I have finished 17 squares of my Flower Blanket, rejiggled the pattern (again) and done some sewing up! The squares have taken over as my train knitting – on a knitpicks circular needle (ideal on a crowded train and for leaving fellow commuter’s eyes in their sockets!) I can get one striped or one moss […]
Flower Blanket – The Knitting Begins…
I’m guessing some of you have been awaiting progress on the Flower Blanket?? Shall I taunt you?? I’m not that cruel 😀 You know I said I’d do this on the train? Somehow I’ve found another project to do on the train so this has been my evening project instead – the plain and stripy […]
Purple Flower Blanket – The Design Phase
How does being bored with knitting plain socks on the train turn into an afternoon designing a blanket? Here’s how… I sat asking myself, “What can I knit on the train that’s not socks?” Squares for a blanket maybe? Out came my two Debbie Abrahams blanket books. These two… I made my Denim Blankie from […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…