The Kim Hargreaves Curse!
I think someone has put a “Kim Hargreaves Curse” on me! I love her designs but I keep on getting it wrong with stupid errors when I knit them! It’s not like I’m a beginner either is it?? They all turn out OK in the end but if I’m going to mess up it’s on […]
…and Emily Looked so Easy??
You could be forgiven for wondering what I’ve been knitting when not on a train doing the Hedera socks. I do have a second projects on the go! Yes, YES, I KNOW. “One WIP at a time” is my mantra – but a travelling sock doesn’t count. So there! 🙂 My current “not travelling” project […]
Summer? Ha! I’m Making a Scarf
What do you make after a cute, short sleeved cotton cardigan when, frankly, it’s too cold and wet to wear it without a thermal layer underneath and a sou’wester over the top? A huge, warm, snugglicious scarf of course! It is Haven from Kim Hargreaves’ book, Heartfelt. Ben bought me this book last Christmas. I […]
Thanks! I made them some time ago so relying on memory - I don't think there is an easy way…
Great Socks! I'm knitting them myself. When I stick to 3 rounds of Hexagons for the foot it becomes too…
Don't be put off by this horror story - I've had Yoke successes too. Just choose the right yarn and…
I agree Terri, I think this is the option I'm leaning towards. I'll have to start researching a different pattern…
Option 6 (seperate the colour work from the rest, hand over all the mess to a colleague that loves knitting…