Yellow Lavender

Do you remember that I said in Sunny, Yellow and Happy that I wanted a straight forward rewarding project to cheer me up?

Well, I really got exactly that with this project! πŸ˜€

Here’s the finished article

I love it.

It was quick, easy and it fits me! The only things that made me stop and think were the sleeves. They are in stocking stitch with the right side (smooth side) showing and the front and back are mainly stocking stitch with the wrong (lumpy side) showing.

I swear I didn’t notice until I read the line in the pattern “commence stocking stitch, starting with a knit row”. I was surprised!! πŸ™„

I checked, double checked and peered at the pattern’s picture before being sure enough that it was correct!!

I think it works!

Completed Knit Report  
Name: Lavender
Pattern: From The Summer Tweed Collection by Kim Hargreaves
Yarn: Rowan Summer Tweed
Pattern Problems: Absolutely none!
Pattern Modifications: None.
Washing and Wearing: Scrummy and soft to wear. Warm without being heavy
Knit It Again???: Possibly – only reservation is having two things the same in my wardrobe! πŸ˜‰
Difficulty: Easy
Rating: 5/5
Other Postings Relating To This One: Sunny, Yellow and Happy  

8 Responses

  1. feltboots
    feltboots June 11, 2007 at 10:55 am | | Reply

    Hey, great jumper ! Like the detail on the bottom where the cable twist grows out from the double rib. I have that book but that design is shown in pink so I never looked at it twice (pink is an awful colour on me). It’s great to see photos of other choices as I’m rubbish at visualising alternatives so thanks for posting.

  2. Rachel
    Rachel June 12, 2007 at 3:23 am | | Reply

    Gorgeous. Looks great on you. Lovely colour. I really like Kim Hargreaves’ designs, I ordered THREE kits from her website the other day, in a fit of yarn acquisition. Check it out if you haven’t been there: I like nearly all the designs in her Shades of Pale collection.

    This must have been an especially rewarding project for you after the Glade fiasco. It is so nice when something knits up as you want it to, fits and looks great. Enjoy wearing it, you will be the envy of your knit club.

  3. Jane
    Jane June 12, 2007 at 4:48 am | | Reply


    I think I’m going to knit this, would you mind bringing the pattern to the Guilty knitters on Sunday? I need to use a voucher!! It really is a lovely jumper. Your knitting is always very inspiring. The Innocent Smoothie hats are safe and sound in my knitting basket. Soooooooo cute!

  4. Cheryl
    Cheryl June 12, 2007 at 7:57 am | | Reply

    Wow that is lovely and the colour is very nice.

  5. Happy yarns
    Happy yarns June 12, 2007 at 9:56 am | | Reply

    Sunny happy yellow….did the job eh! looks very nice.

  6. Rebecca
    Rebecca June 13, 2007 at 2:54 pm | | Reply

    Oh it is lovely, very sunny indeed. I like summer tweed and now realise my wardrobe is lacking a garment like this. Kim Hargreaves patterns always seem to be so reliable, well designed and flattering.

  7. Mieke
    Mieke June 13, 2007 at 5:05 pm | | Reply

    I really like the jumper. I have the same color Summertweed, big change that I will make the same (only a little bit longer). As I live in the Netherlands we will probably not meet wearing the same jumper.

  8. Maggie
    Maggie June 15, 2007 at 3:07 pm | | Reply

    I love it Susan!! You did a superb job.

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