Knitting Kittens of Bali
This post my contain sand, suncream and a just a little envy inducing showing off. It may also be clumsily typed and badly spelt because I’m fighting the auto correct on my tablet (not as easy to type as at my computer at my desk!) So what’s going on? Ben and I are on holiday […]

Toning Down the Fluff
You know how much I love Rowan Kidsilk Haze. I love fluffy mohairy yarns. I even like to use KSH double where in makes a thick DK type weight hairy, fuzzy garment. But sometimes I don’t want quite that much fuzz. (This isn’t 1983 after all!) Imagine my delight to see a pattern using one […]

Grey Lorelei
I said that without Purcey, everything seemed grey – I suppose it was a logical jump to knit something grey to match. I’ve had some beautiful steely grey Rowan RYC Extra Fine Merino DK lurking in stash since it was discontinued in 2010. It was earmarked for this little lovely, Lorelei, from Tonia Barry from […]

It has taken me over a week to be able to write this post. The most heartbreaking thing possible for us has happened. Two weeks ago Purcey was killed on a road behind our house. We went to bed Monday and he was curled up next to us. Tuesday we we didn’t see him at […]

The Most Snazzy of Socks
My Yaacov socks were finished a couple of weeks ago – they really are the most snazzy socks I have ever witnessed 😀 I gave you all the techie details in my last post about them here ->> Anti Summer Knitting Slump Socks so I won’t bore and I’ll get on with the beauty parade … […]

Anti Summer Knitting Slump Socks
As you may have already guessed – I’ve had SKS (Summer Knitting Slump) really bad! Knitting, blogging, even buying yarn all seemed another chore I had to fit in. I even considered stopping blogging ! I think I had been pushing too hard at reducing my WIPs and getting through my queue without stopping to […]

And Then I Stuffed It In The Washing Machine…
My knitting mojo in waning a bit – probably an early onset attack of my usual SKS (That’s “Summer Knitting Slump”) and my blogging mojo has suddenly been even worse! But I have been knitting…and using the washing machine 😮 Fortunately, the washing machine turned and untidy, gappy, unevenly knit, coarse garment into a soft, […]

Wow! Did you really knit that?
“Wow! Did you really knit that?” is a phrase I have been basking in hearing for the last couple of weeks 😀 Why? Because I have been wearing my finished Esme! Esme has turned out to be a beautiful garment 🙂 Because I chose the cream alpaca yarn, it is spun slightly differently to the […]

Free Tickets to Unravel!
After baring my soul and confessing to overspending on knitting lovelies, fate decided to tempt me…..with free tickets to Unravel! Unravel is an independent Festival of Knitting, held in Farnham, Surrey. Here’s a link to find out more –>>Unravel Festival So where did I get free tickets? First, I checked out the free online event […]

Dealing With My Backlog
Do you keep track of how much you spend on knitting? I do 🙁 I’m not going to reveal the shameful numbers but suffice it to say, my level of “sin” has been around the same each year for the past few years – Except last year… … in 2013 I managed to spend more than twice […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…