
Holy Gigantic Space Invaders!!

The Knitty Space Invader socks are finished!! I eagerly grafted the toe this morning – 76 stitches of Kitchener stitch – euck!! Hmmmm….They are far from perfect but Ben likes them! 🙂 It really bugs me when I can’t get thing “right”….. Holy sock heels, Batman! Here’s a problem…. The heel and toe is turned […]

Felting Bagtastic!

Have I ever told you that I HATE having two WIPs in progress? I like to see project coming together quickly – if I have two WIPs on the go they take twice as long and I get frustrated! 😡 Those of you who have a long list of WIPs scare me! They would all […]

First wave of Invaders Sock Completed

First sock done of the Knitty BMP pattern – Space Invader Socks hot off the needles!! There’s a previous post about getting the right needle size here.. Fair Isle Space Invaders Ohhh.. you can see another sock creation of mine on the other foot in the background – that was in Fortisima Colori Socka Color… […]

Yarncrawl !

Today I went on a yarncrawl with Janie, Jane and Jenny from my knitting group. This was a bit like a pub crawl but with less booze , smoke and pubs and a lot more scrummy yarn, shops and chatter! Our first stop was Stash in Putney – none of us had been before… “Is […]

Glade-Strapped Up Like a Gladiator

My elbow/hand/wrist pain is finally coming under control. 🙂 My GP showed my the twisting wrist action to avoid at all costs and the penny dropped – it was going mad at crocheting the Granny squares that did the damage! The elbow pain was “golfer’s elbow” (medial epicondylitis to the medically minded). I turned away […]

Learning Fair Isle – First Socks

I promised I’d show you these, from my extensive “Pre-Blogging Archives” in my last post, Fair Isle Space Invaders. They are my “I’m gonna teach myself Fair Isle” project socks from Rowan’s RYC Classic Home book – the Snuggle bed socks. I made these a couple of years ago. I wanted something small that I […]

New Books Page

Because of the interest when I’ve mentioned my favourite technique books, I’ve posted a page on them – take a look…Essential Knit Books I hope it’s useful 🙂

Fair Isle Space Invaders…

My elbow downwards is still playing up and aggravated by gripping normal straight needles. So, I thought, lets try some socks. The latest issue of Knitty had some fantastic geeky Space Invader socks. Ben – being a retro gaming, console collecting Geek – just has to have a pair of these! He even checked that […]

Ouch! It hurts!

I think I may have knitting related repetitive strain injury. No, I’m not joking – this hurts. 🙁 All of a sudden, my wrist and elbow hurt, my fingers are getting pains and going “pins and needlesy” and I’m getting odd pains in my thumb and fingers. All on my right side. I think I […]

Glade from the waist up….

Just a quick post to show you Glade’s progress…. I’ve done the hem edging for the sleeves, sewn it on and finished the top half (all except the front edging which goes on last). I was especially pleased with the way it fitted together – stitch to stitch perfect with no need to jiggle, easy […]