It’s Blocky and I Blocked It!

Oh WOW!!! I’ve finished the Modern Quilt Wrap and I am beside myself with the results. ItĀ definitelyĀ one of my favorite things I’ve made in a long time. (Yep the knitting mojo is back!) It has been finished quickly, mainly because it has that “I’ll just finish this stripe before making dinner, I’ll just finish this […]

Pass the Knitted Tissues

OUCH! I have had the stitches out of my poorly foot. 3 of the 5 stitches came out easily. The other 2 hurt like the nurse was pulling out Ā old hairy rope šŸ™ My eyes watered and I needed a tissue to dab at them… …how about a knitted tissue?! OK, OK an actual knitted […]

Where Have You Been?

Oh Gosh! Over 2 months since my last blog post – you must be imagining the worst šŸ˜® Massive apologies šŸ™ Don’t panic! There is absolutely nothing seriously or medically wrong. I have just been struggling with a combination of my normal SKS (Summer Knitting Slump), loosing my beloved blogging muse, Thug (3Ā picturesĀ of his daft […]

Famous Friends – Janie B.

Squee! News, hot off the press from the Guilty Knitters…. We have a famous knitting designer friend in out midst! One of the founder members of the Guilty Knitters, Janie B., has been chosen to be one of the designers for the IKnit sock club.!! We (the Guilty Knitters) have watched Janie carefully work and […]

Oh, This is Too Hard!

Ghaaaah!My head hurt from smashing it repeatedly onto my desk … This pattern is not well written. I’m still plugging away at Elizabeth from Kim Hargreaves. After finding the errata and having to reknit the back, I quite naturally, started on the front. (this post does get more exciting – I promise…) All was going […]