On The Hook
“What’s on the needles now?”, I hear you cry! Erm actually it’s “on the hook” – Crochet hook that is. I’ve got a little Hat Crazy the last couple of weeks – it started with this! The Rowan Margarida Hat in Rowan Cotton Glace (or Handknit Cotton.) I knew I had a bag of left […]

Too Many WIPS and Some Tartan
I was horrified to discover I have four WIPs – you know how I like to be the “One WIP Girl”, being oh so smug about how quickly I finish an item because I work on one thing at a time? I’ve fallen off that wagon! 😮 I had intended to spend the long Christmas […]

That was a long Blog-Break! How about a Blanket?
SKS (Summer Knitting Slump) and the closely related illness SBS (Summer Blogging Slump) have really gotten hold of me this year! Sorry if I worried anyone – there’s been nothing wrong except upheaval of me changing job and the lovely Ben changing job twice. A lot of new routines and getting used to new stuff. […]

A Persian Adventure
My current “Icelandic project” has now got too big for carrying on the train for a commuting project (more of that later!). What to do?….. …Find something in my obese stash that’d be Okish? ……Stare blankly out of the train window and waste good knitting time? ………Rush out and buy a huge, new and exciting project […]

Eurovision ABBA Hat
Just a quickie post to show you a “silly” I made for a colleague at work. He was having a huge fancy dress party for the Eurovision Song Contest and was dressing up as Agnetha from Abba (the blond one) He was missing a “Fabulous!”crochet cloche hat (complete with flower on the side) to complete […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…