I was horrified to discover I have four WIPs – you know how I like to be the “One WIP Girl”, being oh so smug about how quickly I finish an item because I work on one thing at a time?
I’ve fallen off that wagon! 😮
I had intended to spend the long Christmas break (I took holiday from work between Christmas and New Year) to catch up on unblogged projects and finish some WIPS which have been peeping at me from beside the sofa.
So what happened I hear you cry? I caught the horrid fluish virus and cough that’s been going around London. I was very bad. Mostly in bed or asleep on the sofa – too poorly to knit! Unthinkable! Christmas was written off for me (and every other person I know so sympathy is limited!)
But enough of this belly aching and whining and general “woe is me” …What’s the knitting news?
Well.. Let me show you the crochet blanket…
“You’re going senile”, You say, “You have shown us the crochet Persian blanket! “
Ha!, not that one! The other one!!
I bought a crochet blanket before the Persian blanket. Then, the lovely Ben spotted the Persian blanket over my shoulder while I was browsing and fell in love with it so I ended up with two blanket packs. So what’s this one?
It’s the Stylecraft Tartan Blanket 🙂

This is a romp of a project – very easy crochet (trebles and chains) with all that pretty made by cleverly combining two strands of yarn in each “blob”.
I have been diligently working on this since I started to get over the horrid cold and have gotten this far…
There 9 colours in a grid of 9×9 blobs (from the solid dark gold bottom right to the very pale blue diagonally opposite) – This 81 blog square is repeated 9 time in a 3×3 square to give the finished blanket. That’s 81 “blobs” per block and 81x 9 = 729 separate blobs. (I only worked that out today – Argh!)
The good thing is that each blob is very easy and once you have the first 9×9 block complete it gets much easier to see what you’re doing and which colour goes where.
There are a lot of ends to darn in… I worked over the starting end as I went around so that needed to just be cut but I had to darn each finishing end as I went along. By the end of an evening I had this little pile for Ziggy and Kitty to frolic in…
I’m about half way now and really enjoying the colour progressions….
Not to mention how much Kitty is enjoying sitting on this blanket every opportunity!
I’m joining as I go so this project is already too big to take on the train 🙁
But, you can see how I’m working from the top left corner outwards by the join on each blob- I’m sure it doesn’t matter how you join so long as you are consistent.
I’m picking up this project at every opportunity at the moment and trying to get it done.
My new year’s resolution it to get back to one WIP- let see if I manage it!
(and I need to blog a few projects you’ve not seen!!)
I’ll leave you with my fave arty shot of the blanket while I go cook dinner then get back to dedicated crocheting!
Looking good susan, can’t wait to see the finished project! !
Love this! Might need to go and investigate!
I LOVE this! Makes me want to make one
It looks great and I am very impressed by your dedication to sewing in the ends!