Waves Shawl – I’ve Been Unfaithful to Kidsilk Haze
I made this!…And it’s not Kidsilk Haze!! How can this be? When I saw this image in a mailshot from the online knitting store, Deramores, I instantly fell in love. I wear that shape of shawl as a scarf and around my shoulders quite a lot – I wanted to make it. But, as someone […]

Afmæli Lopapeysa – Last WIP Done!
Even with Pixie biting my yarn and needles, I have managed to finish my last WIP! New year’s resolution completed!! (OK, last WIP if you don’t count the Autumn Rose Sweater I abandoned in 2013 because it was coming up too small…Those pesky Guilty Knitters won’t let me forget that one cos they want to […]

Introducing Pixie
I have the best excuse for not blogging or knitting much. I have a kitten! It’s taken Ben and I nearly 3 years to get over losing our beautiful little Purcey and be ready for another fluff-bundle in our lives. So here she is….Pixie! We’ve had Pixie a month so she’s 12 weeks old now – […]

Masika Skirt – Another WIP becomes a FO
Another WIP completed from the WIP pile… Here is the Masika Skirt – another lovely from Purl Alpaca… This is a super design of a skirt and quite an easy knit once you get the rhythm of the cables. It is essentially a tube with identical panels of cables at the back and front. The […]

Pretty Little Petal Bibs
I know I’m supposed to be finishing my WIPS but I wanted to make a little gift for my colleague, Manuel, for his impending first child, due in a couple of weeks. I kinda get the impression the baby is not going to wait for me to finish my WIPs so that’s my excuse and […]

Kitty loves Tartan
One less WIP! I’ve finished the Tartan Blanket 😀 This has turned out beautifully – I’m very happy. Here’s the whole thing, complete with edging… I have been slogging away and perhaps overdone it as my hands now ache and my wrist was starting to twinge – it is quite hefty crocheting 2 strands of DK. […]

Here’s One I Prepared Earlier
While I’m slogging my way though the Tartan Blanket, Here’s another Purl Alpaca lovely that I completed over a year ago(!) 😮 This is me in Lorelle… It’s a lovely light, lofty sweater, knit completely in the round from the bottom up. I loved how the two stitch cables worked to form the zigzag details.(I […]

Charity Hats for the Big Knit
At my new job, we are given one day a year to do something for charity as part of our corporate responsibility program. Wonderful! But what could I do? What unique skill do I have to help a charity? I have made these little hats for The Big Knit (a fundraising thing helped by Innocent Smoothies […]

Too Many WIPS and Some Tartan
I was horrified to discover I have four WIPs – you know how I like to be the “One WIP Girl”, being oh so smug about how quickly I finish an item because I work on one thing at a time? I’ve fallen off that wagon! 😮 I had intended to spend the long Christmas […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…