Fun With Brioche, Burping and Barking
I have a few days off work – Time to learn a new knitting skill! Brioche Knitting – Phew – It’s been a while since I had to really sit and study a knitting text book to learn a technique!! 😯 Why Brioche knitting? Two guilty reasons…My American friend, Judy Rosenburg sent me a link to a […]

Fabulous Day Out with Purl Alpaca
Ben is a wonderful husband. Guess what he bought me for Christmas? A knitting workshop with Purl Alpaca 😀 I have knit several kits from Purl Alpaca and was thrilled to spend the day with Tracey,the Alpaca farming half of the business and Kari-Helene, the knitwear design half. All the sample garments were arranged around the […]

Catching Up After the Dreaded Lurgy
I had a nice long break from work over Christmas and planned to catch up on all the projects I have yet to blog…and catch up a whole list of other thing! Instead, I have spent most of my time either in bed or semi conscious on the sofa under a blanket sniveling and coughing, trying to […]

Crazy Hippy Hexasocks
Ben wanted some colourful “hippy socks” for weekend sitting around. He got more “Hippy” than he bargained for!! These are the Hexagon socks from Knit Outside the Sox, the book I showed you in my Ally Pally Post. This book… There are a dozen patterns in this book I want to make but, true to […]

Enough FOs! Here’s a couple of WIPS!
I thought you might be getting bored with “here’s another completed FO (Finished Object)” so here’s a quickie post about what’s on my needles right now… I have 2 WIPs (Works in Progress) – Gasp! 😮 I know I normally only have one WIP because I like to focus on one thing at a time […]

Colourization of the MQW
Do you remember me making my colourful Modern Quilt Wrap? (Known as MQW…) It was this lovely scarf/wrap… Modern Quilt Wrap by Mags Kandis Some of the Guilty Knitters are thinking of making their own MQW but wanted to change some colours to stash bust. I got thinking about my gargantuan Kidsilk Haze stash but was […]

Lovely Chocolate
I’ve been showing you a lot of FOs (finished Objects) lately so it’s high time I showed you what’s on my needles right now. It’s another cardigan by Kim Hargreaves, also from her “North” book (the same book my Captivate cardigan was from)… This book… I am making the “Lovely Cardigan”, Ravelry link here ->> Lovely […]

Knitting Kittens of Bali
This post my contain sand, suncream and a just a little envy inducing showing off. It may also be clumsily typed and badly spelt because I’m fighting the auto correct on my tablet (not as easy to type as at my computer at my desk!) So what’s going on? Ben and I are on holiday […]

Toning Down the Fluff
You know how much I love Rowan Kidsilk Haze. I love fluffy mohairy yarns. I even like to use KSH double where in makes a thick DK type weight hairy, fuzzy garment. But sometimes I don’t want quite that much fuzz. (This isn’t 1983 after all!) Imagine my delight to see a pattern using one […]

Anti Summer Knitting Slump Socks
As you may have already guessed – I’ve had SKS (Summer Knitting Slump) really bad! Knitting, blogging, even buying yarn all seemed another chore I had to fit in. I even considered stopping blogging ! I think I had been pushing too hard at reducing my WIPs and getting through my queue without stopping to […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…