Ohhh, that was a long break from blogging. As you can see – I’m not dead! ๐ฎ
So what’s been going on? Well, I’ve had a couple of huge projects stealing all my blogging time – one at work (which would bore you), and a huge disruptive one at home which is much more fun – We’ve had a new kitchen fitted ๐
You’ll be glad tho hear that, despite the chaos, I’ve manged to keep knitting and I have some FOs to show you!
Hmmm – Lets start with my latest creation first and of course, The Kitchen….
So do you remember my last post? Here–>>Colourization of the MQW
…where I showed you this design for a recoloured Modern Quilt Wrap made mostly from stashed Rowan Kidsilk Haze?

I have just finished and blocked it!!
This is so much easier than it looks to knit – all done on straight needles, one colour at a time, making two decreases in the center every other row to make the corner. The only difficult thing in making this was persuading Kitty it wasn’t for her…
Here is my MQW reclining on the sofa bed in my knit room getting blocked – all damp and stretched out…
You don’t need to block the MQW but I’m a sucker for precision, especially when there are nice clear geometric shapes.
The blocking was made easier by my incredible insightful and clever (read that as “accidentally handy”) choice of a cover for the sofa bed that is divided into squares, see how each block it stretched over 3 squares? It made the whole process much easier…
I wanted a “beauty shot” of my lovely red MQW so I tried to take a selfie in the mirror…
Eeerggh – not quite what I had in mind so I asked the lovely Ben to take a snap – 20 photos later we agreed I was having a “not photogenic” day ๐
This was the least horrifying shot…
So I decided the best beauty shots should be of the wrap itself…
She is quite lovely (say so myself!) and I’m eagerly waiting for a cold day so I can wear her. I’ll do a Completed Knit Report at the end of the post and I’ll include the links to my other modern quilt wrap too – just in case you want to read more about it.
But but…what about the kitchen? First the dilapidated, horrid old kitchen…
See the dated 80’s pine? In the way radiator? The huge breakfast bar you had to shuffle around? The truly hideous light fitting? Our ancient microwave?
Looking from the other end…
Not even a light fitting (!)… Just “Ewww” ๐
I’m sure you guessed from the MQW photos, the new kitchen has a red, grey, white theme (like most of my house!) ๐
So here is the photo-fest – Please forgive the blatant showing off…I am overjoyed with the results and want to share!

That’s enough showing off for one day …
Here’s the completed knit report I promised you – I’m off to do some cooking in my lovely kitchen ๐ ๐ ๐
Completed Knit Report | ||
Name: | Modern Quilt Wrap (click to see on Ravelry) | |
Pattern: | Modern Quilt Wrap by Mags Kandis from Knitting Daily | |
Yarn: | Rowan Kidsilk Haze in 9 colours | |
Pattern Problems: | None – very well written pattern. Much easier than it looks – one colour at a time with a few decreases to make the corner. | |
Pattern Modifications: | None -changed the colours but that is all. | |
Washing and Wearing: | Worn outside once – compliments already rolling in! | |
Knit It Again???: | Very likely but in a different colour pallet | |
Difficulty: | EASY! Much easier than it looks – one colour at a time with a few decreases to make the corner. Each block picked up from the previous one. | |
Rating: | 6/5 (Yes – it’s that good) | |
Other Postings Relating To This One: | Colourization of the MQW
Hello! Nice to see you blog again – love the kitchen and knitting – so well co-ordinated!
They’re both stunning!
Love the fact your knitting and the kitchen (awesome) match – you must have been in the red/grey zone this year.
Beautiful…how long did it take you to knit…(yes stupid question) !!
Hi Chris,
I started 12 April and finished 2 August so about 4 months but…I was knitting something else at the same time (next post!!). It’s actually quite quick because it’s on 4.5mm needles.
My previous MQW, that was my only WIP, took 20 days ๐
So glad to hear from you again! The shawl is lovely and that kitchen is to die for.
I was only thinking the other day that you’d gone very quiet. Glad you haven’t disappeared from Blogland! Love the wrap, and love your stylish new kitchen too. I can see why you love it so much! By the way, have you taken up running?
Hi Josie
I’ve run on and off for about 20 years!! I was running regularly up until about 4 months ago when my work project started cranking up and I couldn’t find the time. I used to go out at lunch times and run around London. I’m not fast but I can do a reasonable 5K 3 times a week to keep my heart healthy. I’ll get back to it soon. Why do you ask??
Hello there! Welcome back! Glad I popped in when I did;I wouldn’t have wanted to miss the ‘new kitchen’. It looks fabulous! So too does the beautiful scarf. My needles are wishing they could knit one too! ๐ Ros x
You’ve been missed. Love the scarf and the kitchen. How long did the kitchen take? Did you live on take-aways?
We are planning a new kitchen, I’m dreading the mess so any tips that you can pass on to ease the pain would be greatly appreciated.
WOW! Wow wow wow! The wrap has an art deco feel to me and I don’t know why but it is really lovely. That kitchen! OMG! I love what you’ve done. The red! The sparkly! It’s gorgeous! (I don’t usually use so many !!! but this deserves every one)
Glad to see you are back. The scarf is fantastic, and the kitchen is, indeed, Wow! (I almost stroked the screen,,,)
Delighted to have you back, you have been missed! WOW to both projects, equally stunning and am sure you will get equal pleasure from both.