
Sublime “The Big Frill” Bolero

Knitting progress is slow 🙁 Decorating progress is good 🙂 The paint is dry, the radiator is back on and kicking out much needed heat, furniture and junk back in the room. I am no longer in painty poo clothes and covered head to toe with dust – deep joy. The room looks 100 times […]

Cat Slays Human

Nothing to do with knitting – I just stumbled on this picture and thought “AWWWWww”! Thug says, “OK, so you didn’t like the mouse I gave you. What about this one?” Further caption suggestions please!

Ode to a Merino Yarn

Lots of knitterly updates today! The Willow Ribbon Twist Jacket is knitted – after wrestling it from the evil ginger paws of Thug who was quite partial to sleeping on it! It still needs buttons, I need to dig my way out from undr the decorating to get to John Lewis to buy some – […]

Willie Warmer – Hot tips!

…that’s a hot tip as in “hints ‘n’ tips “. Tsk!! How could you think such a thing! 😳 Much hilarity at my knitting circle this morning – one of our number (who will remain nameless) is a little fed up with being teased (ribbed??) by a male colleague about her knitting. He frequently demands […]

Evil forces conspire to prevent knitting…

The world is against me knitting… The decorating is at that gruelling preparation stage. The badly painted “glow in the dark” yellow walls have resisted all attempts at sanding – paint has been daubed over badly stripped wallpaper and glue giving a “jaunty and individual” surface. Everything I use to sand just clogs. I’m seriously […]

Ribbon Twist Jacket

I need a quick win. Recently I’ve had a disaster (denim), a brain bender (Spangle gloves) and a heartbreak (Bucky Bear) so I’ve decided to raid my stash and start on this Rowan Ribbon Twist Jacket. Yes I know – it’s the one one the cover of the pattern book again! (The Ribbon Twist Collection) […]

Buck the Starbucks Bear is Missing!!

I’m heartbroken ! Buck the Bear has disappeared from my local Starbucks. See the post here about his birth… Buck the Starbucks Bear No one knows where he has gone -perhaps missing in the shop (but the staff have hunted high and low)? …Accidentally dropped in a bin ? ……Stolen by a malicious ex employee? […]

Denim colour run disaster – Rowan’s response…

I told you last week about my disappointment with the terrible colour run in Ben’s Brooklyn jumper, made with Rowan Denim in black & cream. After several hot washes and an eggcup of bleach (eeek!!) I said I’d be writing to Rowan.. Read the previous post here… Where to start with knittie stuff I have […]

Spangle Gloves & Scarf Set Be-Ribboned and Finished

It’s All Done!!!I have finally finished these gloves after lots of frogging and swearing trying to get the second cuff right 🙂 They match the spangle scarf posted about here spangle-scarf-in-woven-cables and here spangle-scarf-done. Since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by poking my fingers under the twists of cables and wondering how it […]

“Buck” the Starbucks Bear

I belong to a knitting circle – The Knaughty Knitters. Two or three times a month on a Sunday, we rattle the doors of Starbucks at opening time, bag the best comfy seats with our knitting, grab a coffee then sit and spend the whole morning knitting, chatting, coffee drinking, “oohing” over each other’s knitting […]