Dealing With My Backlog
Do you keep track of how much you spend on knitting? I do 🙁 I’m not going to reveal the shameful numbers but suffice it to say, my level of “sin” has been around the same each year for the past few years – Except last year… … in 2013 I managed to spend more than twice […]

The Purl Soho Pullover
I have been dying to start my Purl Soho Pullover that I bought on my trip to New York. This is the pattern pic… You can buy the pattern at Purl Soho’s website here –>> Purl Soho Pullover In this yarn – Purl Soho’s own worsted twist… I love that shade of blue – not […]

Flossie is Done!
Reknitting the body of Flossie really didn’t take very long – and I’m glad I did it. I clearly should have made the small size – silly Susan 🙁 A quick note on yarn amounts – the pattern calls for 12 balls for medium and 10 for a small. I got the medium out of […]

Should Have Known Better
I’m very happy to tell you about my successes so I feel it’s only fair to share the disasters with you too … I should have know better than to try knitting Chunky Wool again 🙁 But the lovely red Rowan Drift (same gauge as Big Wool) at half price was too hard to resist…. […]

7th Blogiversary
7 years of blogging my knitting adventures – that’s quite a long time. There have been times I’ve thought about stopping blogging but my lovely readers keep me coming back for just one more post – Thank you all for visiting 😀 The big non-knitting events of the year were my work trip to New […]

Resolutions and Another Alpaca Lovely
I failed last year so I’m going to REALLY try to make it this year. I’m talking about New Year Resolutions of course. 2012’s resolution was “to buy no yarn unless I was going to knit it immediately”. I lasted until May then splurged on Kidsilk Haze 😉 Once the genie was out of the bottle […]

Kidsilk Error
What’s that? Another new Kidsilk Hazealike yarn from Rowan, “Kidsilk Error”??? Errrm, No 🙁 It’s me making a huge blunder in the sales. I found myself at the John Lewis sale when the doors opened at 8:00am and dashed straight to the yarn department. I was overjoyed to find that one of the “Kidsilks” was […]

Two Finished Objects!
Looking at my blog recently, you might think all I do is buy yarn and never knit it! I have been knitting and trying to finish some of the numerous WIPs I suddenly discovered I had when I blogged back in September in the post “Whirlwind Update“. I have, in fact, finished two of those […]

Colds, Bathrooms and New York
So why haven’t I blogged for a while? <insert excuses here> It’s all been happening – A horrible cough & cold that has knocked me sideways (6 weeks and only just over it), a massive revamp of the bathrooms and loo in our house (plumbers all over the house for 5 weeks) and two back to […]

Ally Pally – Too Many Goodies
I am living up to my membership of the Guilty Knitters as I am officially “guilty” of buying too much (again) at Ally Pally. I really needed a good day out and that’s what I had 🙂 So what did I buy?? You know how I need more Rowan Kidsilk Haze like a hole in the […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…