Ally Pally – Too Many Goodies
I am living up to my membership of theĀ Guilty KnittersĀ as I am officially “guilty” of buying too much (again) at Ally Pally. I really needed a good day out and that’s what I had š So what did I buy?? You know how I need more Rowan Kidsilk Haze like a hole in the […]

Vivaldi Diagnosis at Ally Pally
After posting about Vivaldi not quite coming together right, I took her to the Guilty Knitters for a second (third,fourth and fifth) opinion. So there I was, in the middle of the shopping center wearing half made pieces of Vivaldi with all the Guilty Knitters pulling, poking and tugging trying to make it fit. “It’s […]

Making Sense of Vivaldi
Vivaldi’s construction is unusual so I wanted to show you the peices layed out before sewing up – Purcey decided to lend a helpful paw… He was quite well behaved and just observed the strangely short back… This didn’t last long… “I’ll just watch the strange shaped neck pieces….” Then I’ll kill that loose bit […]

None Too Shabby Tabby-Cat
You’ve already seen my fave piccy of me in my Tabby-Cat but it’s as bad as the Rowan Pic for not letting you see the whole garment… So I’ll show you some of the finished detail then tell you about that Icord gadget š Better picture where I’m posing with a glass of wine as […]

Whirlwind Update
An exciting, eventful month! Now to catch up with blogging it all….. I had a holiday in Skiathos, Greece (hot, sunny, lovely beach holiday), My lovely sister Carol and her husband Steve stayed in my house and “cat sat” for me while we whooped it up in Skiathos (I had to make sure my tiny […]

Thick, Orange and Fuzzy (and I don’t mean Purcey)
I just had to start something new while I was waiting for a gadget to finish off my Tabby-Cat. Tabby-Cat is all finished and sewn up except for part of the side seams where I need to sew in the ties. I really didn’t like the design of the Ā ties in the pattern – 2 […]

Difficulty Counting
My Tabby Cat is coming along well – that’s the grey, tabby-stripe jumper I’m knitting, not Purcey the new ginger kitten! He is coming along well too š I’ve done the back and front and was storming though the sleeve – it was very straight forward… …Cast on 68 stitches, do the beady edge, knit […]

Tabby Cat
Lots of you have asked about the cream cardigan I was wearing in the Ā knitting film. You were also curious what the grey thing I was knitting was! First the cardigan I was wearing…This one… It’s called Joy from Kim Hargreaves Nectar book and is made in Rowan Denim. I call it my Honeymoon Knit […]

Fallen off the Cracksilk Wagon
I’ve fallen off the wagon in a big way – The lure of Rowan’s Kidsilk Haze was too much for me to resist. My long struggle with Cracksilk Haze addiction Ā has been well documented on this blog: KSH ShameĀ – Where I found I had nearly all the yarn for the Earthstripe wrap in stash. […]

String of Expletives
āString of Expletivesā ā¦Do my non UK readers know what it means? A String of Expletives is an outpouring of several very rude words and curses, one after another. That explains my recent knitting experiences perfectly. It also would make a great name for a knitting blog with the pun on āStringā!! The Blanket Jacket […]
It looks lovely, and ā„ļø seeing your 2009 self š!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous šš
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…