Notions. Discuss…
Knitting notions…. Why the heck do we call them notions? The definition we are used to is “items for needlework”, small items used in sewing, e.g. needles, pins, thread, and buttons But a notion could be and idea, an impression, a perception, a desire or a whim….all rather romantic and whistful… A few buttons and […]
Ally Pally S.E.X. Update
Don’t get too excited! S.E.X. = Stash Enhancement Exercise. I went to the Alexandra Palace (Ally Pally to Londoners) Knitting & Stitching show on Friday, accompanied by my good friends, Judie and Anita, from the Guilty Knitters 😀 I had extravagantly taken the day off work and decided on a generous budget. My extravagance was […]
It’s Very Green
Thug has been very busy preparing to move house. Fortunately he has still found time to help me with the finishing of Cheer. I would get mad at him sitting on my freshly blocked knitting but how could I resist this face? I did say Cheer wouldn’t take long but pressures of work, preparing for […]
It Started with the Shoes
It started with a new pair of shoes. A beautiful pair of green canvas wedges, in the Hobbs sale… I had loved them from afar all summer and stalked them until sale time – 70% off 😀 Happy, Happy, Happy. The problem was, I didn’t have anything that colour in my wardrobe to wear with […]
Katia – another WIP becomes a FO
Do you remember Katia? The “Holiday knitting that didn’t make it“? Now the swine flu is completely gone and Ben and I have both recovered (thankfully) and the house move is steaming ahead (yipee) I was so ashamed of myself for having so many WIPs on the go, I’ve whizzed though and finished Katia! Katia […]
Swine Flu Aids Iris Productivity!
It was inevitable that I would get Swine Flu 🙁 The only good thing about regularly being hit with the sniffles is that I am well prepared and know how to make the best of it. My survival kit consisted of :- Ultra balm tissues Lemsip Scotch, lemons and honey – to make hot toddies […]
The Culling of the Wardrobe…
My wardrobes are overflowing – which is very bad as I remodelled to bedroom two years ago and made more wardrobe space! I’ve been very disciplined lately and taken great bags full of “stuff” to the charity shop. Now the hard bit…I need to cull the shelf where my hand knits live. I found three […]
Cat Subdues Yarn and a Dumb Blunder
I’m still slogging away at the Flower Blanket! …and I have discovered Blanket Rule No.6… Sixth rule: Tired Sleepy Knitter + Intarsia = Tears I tried to press on one evening, when very tired, and finish one of the flowers. Once you’re past the centre it’s relatively easy – just the column of single stitches […]
Back Catalog Delving
I am finally beating the three months of constant coughs and colds! Yeah for me! 🙂 Unfortunately for my knitting, this means that I’m busy having nights out and enjoying myself to make up for lost time – rather than sitting home and knitting. What I’m trying to say is there’s not much knitting progress […]
2nd Blogiversary
Woot! W00t! 😀 My Blog is 2 years old today. I can’t believe that I have kept this going for so long. It has been a real pleasure, mainly because of all you readers dropping by and spurring me on! Thank you Readers!! I hope I’ve brightened your day too. I’ve just had a look […]
Thanks! I made them some time ago so relying on memory - I don't think there is an easy way…
Great Socks! I'm knitting them myself. When I stick to 3 rounds of Hexagons for the foot it becomes too…
Don't be put off by this horror story - I've had Yoke successes too. Just choose the right yarn and…
I agree Terri, I think this is the option I'm leaning towards. I'll have to start researching a different pattern…
Option 6 (seperate the colour work from the rest, hand over all the mess to a colleague that loves knitting…