Wrapped in Kitten Heads
Kittens and Stripes is finished! Just in time for the weather to turn horrid and for me to have the nasty 3 week long cold that everyone seems to be getting. <<Insert tiny violin here>> I have really enjoyed making this scarf! It was fun, colourful and easy enough to be able to get a […]

Toning Down the Fluff
You know how much I love Rowan Kidsilk Haze. I love fluffy mohairy yarns. I even like to use KSH double where in makes a thick DK type weight hairy, fuzzy garment. But sometimes I don’t want quite that much fuzz. (This isn’t 1983 after all!) Imagine my delight to see a pattern using one […]

Grey Lorelei
I said that without Purcey, everything seemed grey – I suppose it was a logical jump to knit something grey to match. I’ve had some beautiful steely grey Rowan RYC Extra Fine Merino DK lurking in stash since it was discontinued in 2010. It was earmarked for this little lovely, Lorelei, from Tonia Barry from […]

Flossie is Done!
Reknitting the body of Flossie really didn’t take very long – and I’m glad I did it. I clearly should have made the small size – silly Susan 🙁 A quick note on yarn amounts – the pattern calls for 12 balls for medium and 10 for a small. I got the medium out of […]

Should Have Known Better
I’m very happy to tell you about my successes so I feel it’s only fair to share the disasters with you too … I should have know better than to try knitting Chunky Wool again 🙁 But the lovely red Rowan Drift (same gauge as Big Wool) at half price was too hard to resist…. […]

7th Blogiversary
7 years of blogging my knitting adventures – that’s quite a long time. There have been times I’ve thought about stopping blogging but my lovely readers keep me coming back for just one more post – Thank you all for visiting 😀 The big non-knitting events of the year were my work trip to New […]

Kidsilk Error
What’s that? Another new Kidsilk Hazealike yarn from Rowan, “Kidsilk Error”??? Errrm, No 🙁 It’s me making a huge blunder in the sales. I found myself at the John Lewis sale when the doors opened at 8:00am and dashed straight to the yarn department. I was overjoyed to find that one of the “Kidsilks” was […]

Two Finished Objects!
Looking at my blog recently, you might think all I do is buy yarn and never knit it! I have been knitting and trying to finish some of the numerous WIPs I suddenly discovered I had when I blogged back in September in the post “Whirlwind Update“. I have, in fact, finished two of those […]

Vivaldi Diagnosis at Ally Pally
After posting about Vivaldi not quite coming together right, I took her to the Guilty Knitters for a second (third,fourth and fifth) opinion. So there I was, in the middle of the shopping center wearing half made pieces of Vivaldi with all the Guilty Knitters pulling, poking and tugging trying to make it fit. “It’s […]

Making Sense of Vivaldi
Vivaldi’s construction is unusual so I wanted to show you the peices layed out before sewing up – Purcey decided to lend a helpful paw… He was quite well behaved and just observed the strangely short back… This didn’t last long… “I’ll just watch the strange shaped neck pieces….” Then I’ll kill that loose bit […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…