Flying Monkey Socks
I now have a backlog of “Finished Objects”to share with you but here’s a quick little one , fresh off the needles 🙂 My Flying Monkey Socks… I love Cookie A’s sock patterns but I had never made Monkey – beloved by several members of the Guilty Knitters. …and I had a flight to Miami […]

Waves Shawl – I’ve Been Unfaithful to Kidsilk Haze
I made this!…And it’s not Kidsilk Haze!! How can this be? When I saw this image in a mailshot from the online knitting store, Deramores, I instantly fell in love. I wear that shape of shawl as a scarf and around my shoulders quite a lot – I wanted to make it. But, as someone […]

Knitting My Plotulopi Lopapeysa
I said my “Icelandic project” was too big for the train now – wanna see?! I’m making the Afmæli Lopapeysa in the strange, unspun plotulopi yarn I talked about in my Iceland! post. It is worked in the round from the bottom up. You make the body and two sleeves then join them into the joke for […]

A Persian Adventure
My current “Icelandic project” has now got too big for carrying on the train for a commuting project (more of that later!). What to do?….. …Find something in my obese stash that’d be Okish? ……Stare blankly out of the train window and waste good knitting time? ………Rush out and buy a huge, new and exciting project […]

The Purl Soho Pullover
I have been dying to start my Purl Soho Pullover that I bought on my trip to New York. This is the pattern pic… You can buy the pattern at Purl Soho’s website here –>> Purl Soho Pullover In this yarn – Purl Soho’s own worsted twist… I love that shade of blue – not […]

Colds, Bathrooms and New York
So why haven’t I blogged for a while? <insert excuses here> It’s all been happening – A horrible cough & cold that has knocked me sideways (6 weeks and only just over it), a massive revamp of the bathrooms and loo in our house (plumbers all over the house for 5 weeks) and two back to […]

And Now With Added Beads
Remember when I made my beautiful green Emanuela, I said I might change that 2nd skein of green for a different colour and make another one? That’s exactly what I did! Loop were very happy to change the skein for a different one for me and also flattered me by fawning over the lovely green Emanuela […]

Travelling Socks
I usually have a pair of socks on the needles, ready to grab and stuff in my bag to keep me company when I’m flying. Even the most rigorous airport security has yet to give me grief over a set of 2.5mm wooden dpns and a ball of sock yarn. I take socks on the […]
Getting Lost Has It’s Benefits
I’ve finished Ben’s Second Chance Hat.. See here for the reason for that name! I made particularly quick progress returning from Bristol on the train – for all the wrong reasons…. Happily head down and knitting – I looked up and didn’t recognise the next station… “This train is going to London Paddington isn’t it?” […]
I Need More Knitting Time
I’d love to be able to post a picture of a massive chunk of completed blanket but the sad truth is – I’ve only just finished knitting the squares for the 5th strip…barely one strip knitted in a week and still the pressing and sewing up to do! At this rate this blanket will take […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…