On The Hook
“What’s on the needles now?”, I hear you cry! Erm actually it’s “on the hook” – Crochet hook that is. I’ve got a little Hat Crazy the last couple of weeks – it started with this! The Rowan Margarida Hat in Rowan Cotton Glace (or Handknit Cotton.) I knew I had a bag of left […]

Making those cute little hats again…
EEk! I’ve not used my work Charity day!😲 We are strongly encouraged to use our one day a year for charity work – it’s a great idea 😍 Hmmm – what can I do? The obvious answer was the little hats for the Innocent Smoothies “The Big Knit” campaign for Age UK. I’ve blogged these […]

Charity Hats for the Big Knit
At my new job, we are given one day a year to do something for charity as part of our corporate responsibility program. Wonderful! But what could I do? What unique skill do I have to help a charity? I have made these little hats for The Big Knit (a fundraising thing helped by Innocent Smoothies […]

Action Shot – The Eurovision ABBA Hat!
You know I was promised a picture of my glitter ABBA hat when I wrote about it in my last post, Eurovision ABBA Hat? Here it is being modelled at the party 😀 !!

Eurovision ABBA Hat
Just a quickie post to show you a “silly” I made for a colleague at work. He was having a huge fancy dress party for the Eurovision Song Contest and was dressing up as Agnetha from Abba (the blond one) He was missing a “Fabulous!”crochet cloche hat (complete with flower on the side) to complete […]

Disaster, Woe, a Success and Some Fun
It’s been a week coloured by knitterly disaster and woe – then it improved… Disaster: I lost a sock. Not just any sock. I lost the completed, beautiful first sock of the pink, orange and purple entrelac socks I was making 😥 This is the last picture I have of my lost baby…. “What happened?”, I hear […]

The Ones I Missed
I’ve just been looking at writting my Blogiversary post, summarizing the year’s knitting, and realized with horror – there are some projects I’ve never photographed or blogged! So here is a quick and dirty blog post of the ones I missed, Completed Knit Reports at the end… The Little Red Hat… A project to use up […]

If You Wanna Get Ahead, Get A Hat!
Work has been quite busy – The move to Agile and a pretty heavy training course with lots of home work has stolen my blogging time. I have, however, managed to keep up my “Commuting Knitting” 🙂 Can you guess what I’ve made? Is the title of this post a spoiler? Ok – here it […]
Getting Lost Has It’s Benefits
I’ve finished Ben’s Second Chance Hat.. See here for the reason for that name! I made particularly quick progress returning from Bristol on the train – for all the wrong reasons…. Happily head down and knitting – I looked up and didn’t recognise the next station… “This train is going to London Paddington isn’t it?” […]
This Man Deserves a Second Chance Hat
As I’ve said, I’ve been busy – knitting, work, driving to Bristol and back. Imagine my delight when I was welcomed home from a long drive by this… From iPhone The lovely Ben had prepared a delicious meal of Fajitas, all the trimmings and a hand crafted Margarita 😀 😀 😀 You’ll remember that this […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…