What to Do When Travelling for 20 Hours…
I am very brown and very relaxed. I’ve just come back from Mauritius! The lovely Ben and I have had an eventful year, job wise and needed to lay on a beach and do nothing… Almost nothing…There was some knitting 😀 As the title suggests the journey was about 20 hours door to door so […]
Just a Quickie Project Cos I Liked the Colour Yarn….
You know when you see a yarn and think, “Oh, I love those colours!”. I thought that with Bergère de France’s “Goomy 50” in Jaun (Yellow!) Goomy is their take on self patterning sock yarn (but why the heck would they call a yarn an ugly name like “Goomy”?!) This was the yarn… This was […]

That was a long Blog-Break! How about a Blanket?
SKS (Summer Knitting Slump) and the closely related illness SBS (Summer Blogging Slump) have really gotten hold of me this year! Sorry if I worried anyone – there’s been nothing wrong except upheaval of me changing job and the lovely Ben changing job twice. A lot of new routines and getting used to new stuff. […]

Knitting My Plotulopi Lopapeysa
I said my “Icelandic project” was too big for the train now – wanna see?! I’m making the Afmæli Lopapeysa in the strange, unspun plotulopi yarn I talked about in my Iceland! post. It is worked in the round from the bottom up. You make the body and two sleeves then join them into the joke for […]

A Persian Adventure
My current “Icelandic project” has now got too big for carrying on the train for a commuting project (more of that later!). What to do?….. …Find something in my obese stash that’d be Okish? ……Stare blankly out of the train window and waste good knitting time? ………Rush out and buy a huge, new and exciting project […]

Action Shot – The Eurovision ABBA Hat!
You know I was promised a picture of my glitter ABBA hat when I wrote about it in my last post, Eurovision ABBA Hat? Here it is being modelled at the party 😀 !!

Eurovision ABBA Hat
Just a quickie post to show you a “silly” I made for a colleague at work. He was having a huge fancy dress party for the Eurovision Song Contest and was dressing up as Agnetha from Abba (the blond one) He was missing a “Fabulous!”crochet cloche hat (complete with flower on the side) to complete […]

I’ve been to Iceland! No, not the frozen food store – the lovely country 😀 I’ve just had a “big” birthday and the lovely Ben surprised me with a trip to Reykjavik over Easter. (If anyone is rude enough to ask, the answer is “21” 😉 ) I’ve wanted to visit Iceland for a long […]

Catching Up with Accessories
Lots to catch up with! I started a great new job after Easter which hasn’t left me a lot of energy for blogging…I have been knitting though! I seem to have finished off a few accessories so I’ll show you those and save the exciting trip I took for my next post 😉 Sugary Stripe […]

Fun With Brioche, Burping and Barking
I have a few days off work – Time to learn a new knitting skill! Brioche Knitting – Phew – It’s been a while since I had to really sit and study a knitting text book to learn a technique!! 😯 Why Brioche knitting? Two guilty reasons…My American friend, Judy Rosenburg sent me a link to a […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…