Too Many WIPS and Some Tartan
I was horrified to discover I have four WIPs – you know how I like to be the “One WIP Girl”, being oh so smug about how quickly I finish an item because I work on one thing at a time? I’ve fallen off that wagon! 😮 I had intended to spend the long Christmas […]

Disaster, Woe, a Success and Some Fun
It’s been a week coloured by knitterly disaster and woe – then it improved… Disaster: I lost a sock. Not just any sock. I lost the completed, beautiful first sock of the pink, orange and purple entrelac socks I was making 😥 This is the last picture I have of my lost baby…. “What happened?”, I hear […]

Catching Up After the Dreaded Lurgy
I had a nice long break from work over Christmas and planned to catch up on all the projects I have yet to blog…and catch up a whole list of other thing! Instead, I have spent most of my time either in bed or semi conscious on the sofa under a blanket sniveling and coughing, trying to […]

Choices: 7 Fugly Scarves or…
I was given 7 skeins of chenille “Fun, Mesh Scarf yarn” recently – a barista at our Sunday morning Guilty Knitters Coffee shop had rescued it from the bin when a friend’s shop was shutting down. She thought of us knitters and I wasn’t going to let the fact it was truly “Fugly” yarn make me waste […]

Finished the Lovely Chocolate
No, I don’t mean I have scoffed an entire box of chocolates! How could you think I was so greedy?! I mean, I have finished the cardigan I named “Lovely Chocolate” – it was an inspired name because the pattern is called “Lovely” and the colour I made it in?? Yes , chocolate brown…. I showed […]

Hello Again!
Ohhh, that was a long break from blogging. As you can see – I’m not dead! 😮 So what’s been going on? Well, I’ve had a couple of huge projects stealing all my blogging time – one at work (which would bore you), and a huge disruptive one at home which is much more fun […]

8th Blogiversary
8 years of blogging!!! I am definitely starting to struggle 🙁 Thank you if you are managing to put up with my infrequent blog posts. It has been a tough year – loosing Purcey in the summer hit us so hard. Nothing has been right since. My knitting seems to have been up and down too. Gaping necks […]

Wrapped in Kitten Heads
Kittens and Stripes is finished! Just in time for the weather to turn horrid and for me to have the nasty 3 week long cold that everyone seems to be getting. <<Insert tiny violin here>> I have really enjoyed making this scarf! It was fun, colourful and easy enough to be able to get a […]

Knitting Kittens of Bali
This post my contain sand, suncream and a just a little envy inducing showing off. It may also be clumsily typed and badly spelt because I’m fighting the auto correct on my tablet (not as easy to type as at my computer at my desk!) So what’s going on? Ben and I are on holiday […]

Grey Lorelei
I said that without Purcey, everything seemed grey – I suppose it was a logical jump to knit something grey to match. I’ve had some beautiful steely grey Rowan RYC Extra Fine Merino DK lurking in stash since it was discontinued in 2010. It was earmarked for this little lovely, Lorelei, from Tonia Barry from […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…