Gardengate Disasters
This is a tale of woe. And a new love, disaster, resurrection and final acceptance of failure.
…my fun with Gardengate by Jenifer Steingass…twice…

First Sorrel
I promised to show you my first Sorrel, made with Yarn for the Soul’s light fingering in 2021. Fell in love with the “Midnight is a Lonely Place” colourway as it reminded me of Van Gogh’s Starry Night (just been to an immersive Van Gogh exhibition!!) – Can you see what I was seeing? Most […]

Zakami Yarns Inspired Snuggly Jumper
Back from delinquent blogging after another health drama (under control now). After getting more and more tired and myself increasingly out of breath (like gasping for air after walking up the stairs or stopping several times walking up a hill that I ran up last year), I discovered I had several massive clots in my […]

Midwinter Cushion
Rowan have been doing a Knitalong for Martin Storey’s Midwinter Blanket. (You need to sign up but the pattern, videos etc are free) This is the pattern pic of the blanket, made up of separately knitted fair isle squares in Rowan Felted Tweed… This immediately appealed to me – partly because of the potential to […]

After the Rain – Love it!
I finished After the Rain a couple of weeks ago – Oh Wow do I love that yoke pattern! … but I only got around to doing the obligatory photo shoot today – Bad Susan! I won’t tease you – here she is… Last time I spoke to you I’d just started the yoke pattern […]

Runaway Socks
A daring escape, a villainess, a sadistic torturer, a heroic rescuer and a happy ending 😲 Who knew sock knitting could be so dramatic? I will share the unedited details with you and you can decide who is who in this Hollywood worthy story, featuring my “Flying Monkey Socks” …. I only discovered the truth when […]

Fabulous Stashbuster Blanket
I have been forced out of my blogging lethargy to show you a fabulous sock yarn blanket I have just finished 🙂 It’s made entirely from the left over bits and bobs I had in stash from pairs of socks, a couple of 4 ply shawls and some soft toy creations (and I still have […]

Kitty loves Tartan
One less WIP! I’ve finished the Tartan Blanket 😀 This has turned out beautifully – I’m very happy. Here’s the whole thing, complete with edging… I have been slogging away and perhaps overdone it as my hands now ache and my wrist was starting to twinge – it is quite hefty crocheting 2 strands of DK. […]

Charity Hats for the Big Knit
At my new job, we are given one day a year to do something for charity as part of our corporate responsibility program. Wonderful! But what could I do? What unique skill do I have to help a charity? I have made these little hats for The Big Knit (a fundraising thing helped by Innocent Smoothies […]

Too Many WIPS and Some Tartan
I was horrified to discover I have four WIPs – you know how I like to be the “One WIP Girl”, being oh so smug about how quickly I finish an item because I work on one thing at a time? I’ve fallen off that wagon! 😮 I had intended to spend the long Christmas […]
It looks lovely, and ♥️ seeing your 2009 self 😁!
WOW!! It looks s beautiful. I took don't knit shawls because I never wear them. Yours would be beautiful as…
Absolutely GORGEOUS ! x
Well done Susan, it's fabulous 😍😍
Wow, love, love, love it. I am a shawl person and have a few favourites that I take on holiday…